



   R&B的全词是Rhythm&Blues,译作"节奏蓝调"或"节奏布鲁斯",顾名思义,就是在蓝调中加入强烈的舞蹈节奏,这种音乐风格诞生于上世纪40年代,Louis Jordan被认为是R&B之父,除了节奏,电吉他.高音萨克斯风和福音情绪都是这种音乐的几大主干.


  摇滚乐可以说是R&B一手带大的孩子,即使猫王走红的那几年,许多R&B巨匠依然屹立如山,广受欢迎,如Little Richard,Chuck Berry,B.B.King等.R&B从诞生之日起,就不断地发展,演变,壮大,始终是音乐世界的主流元素,R&B歌手也始总终是流行榜上不败的娇客,除去B.B.King,Stevie Wonder,Aretha Franklin等几十年声势不坠的常青树外,从上世纪80年代起在R&B乐坛崛起的新一代巨星亦延续R&B独领风骚的神话,上世纪80年代崛起的歌手以R.Kelly,Lionel Richie,Whitney Houston,Bobby Brown为代表.在上世纪90年代可以说又是R&B的一个空前兴盛时期,很多R&B歌手都成为流行乐界的超级巨星,随手可以写出一长串的名字:Black Street ,Toni Braxton,Erykah Badu,Envogue,Maxwell,Tlc,Usher,Mariah Carey,Lauryn Hill,Monica,Brandy,Mary J Blige,All 4 One,Babyface,Puff Daddy,Faith Evans,Fugees,Jay-Z,K-Ci&JoJo,Dru Hill等等.到近年,纯女子R&B组合更呈现前所未有的繁荣局面,Destiny's Child,702,Blaque,Total,Alture,Honeyz等均有突出的表现.此外,一些公认的流行巨星Madonna,Diana Ross,Prince,Vanessa Villiams,Michale Bolton等,无时无刻不在证明着R&B的无孔不入,无处不在.

  此外,与R&B有密切关系,对摇滚同样有巨大影响的soul音乐也不得不提一下.Soul译作"骚灵乐"或"灵乐",起源于美国黑人福音乐,1950年年末,Ray Charles把几首福音歌曲搭配上R&B的特色,首开灵魂乐先河,当时蓝调是公认的魔鬼音乐,福音则是上帝的音乐,Ray Charles把两个极端混合一体,确实离经叛道,但他大胆的创举,却造就了黑人音乐中罕见的情感凝固.因为灵歌与节奏蓝调手足般的关联,使很多R&B巨星同时也是骚灵巨星,如Aretha Franklin,Otis Redding等,James Brown还是公认的"灵歌之父",Whitney Houston,Lionel Richie等歌手也是游走于R&B与Soul之间,不可能严格的进行划分.

[此贴子已经被作者于2003-10-15 11:36:37编辑过]





超载了~~~ [img]http://art.online.ha.cn/folk/big/619.gif[/img]




Gospel essentially breaks down into three separate categories. For many listeners, the word "gospel" conjures the sound of large African-American Southern gospel choirs[1], singing joyous songs of celebration. These grew out of traditional spirituals and would later evolve into close-knit, small combos[2] that were the blueprint for doo-wop groups. Another style of gospel was country gospel, which sounded like traditional country with lyrics about God. These two forms -- along with blues gospel, which was never quite as widespread as country gospel -- provided part of the foundation of contemporary gospel and CCM (Contemporary Christian Music), which came into existence in the late '70s. The other part of CCM was soft rock and mainstream pop, which provided the sound of the genre. Throughout the '80s and '90s, CCM was the most popular style of gospel, since it sounded like mainstream pop, only with religious lyrics.

GOSPEL is generally classified into several main types which are Alternative CCM, Southern Gospel, Inspirational, Christian Rock, CCM and Black Gospel.

1.choir: n. (尤指宗教活动时)唱诗班, 合唱队; a group of people who sing together esp. during religious services.
2.combo: n. 结合物,联合体,社团,小型爵士乐团;


福音音乐十分兴盛,因此它得以在《公告牌》的排行榜上占一席之地。19世纪,清教徒的复兴产生了圣歌,当时它还主要用于宗教聚会。后来,南方的黑奴吸收、修改并创作出他们现在所熟知的圣歌。这期间,象形音符和“树枝凉亭”(brush arbor)声乐学校对农村地区产生着深远的影响。为了提高教会内的歌唱水平,人们不再指出音符在五线谱中的位置,而是采用不用的形状表示不同的音调来合理使用音符。这成了达到见谱就唱这一水平的基础。“树枝凉亭”则是指一种宗教时间活动,即开辟一块空地,然后为户外的宗教演唱活动种一棵树。这个传统至今活跃在乡村音乐中。像汉克.威廉斯(WILLIAMS,HANK)的《破旧的十字架》(The Old Rugged Gross)、《与你亲密无间》(Just a Closer Walk with Thee)和《我看到了曙光》(I Saw the Light)。此外还有托马斯.多尔西(Thomas Dorsey)的一些作品,这些乡土音乐都曾流行一时。如果不是这些乡村音乐家运用福音音乐的要素,创作出大量成功的作品,那么也就没有福音音乐的今天。

从根本上讲,真正对现代流行音乐具有深远影响的是黑人福音音乐,布鲁斯音乐就经常使用宗教性的比喻。加里.戴维斯(Gary Davis)是个浸礼会牧师,他的大部分作品都有很浓的宗教色彩;布林德.威利.约翰逊(Blind Willie Johnson)在1927-1930年间为Columbia公司录制的唱片完全是宗教性质的,它们被布鲁斯音乐的收藏家们视为珍品;Fisk Jubilee Singers(1867年由一位白人教师在Fisk大学组建,这支独具风格的黑人唱诗班在1872年波士顿世界和平庆典上轰动一时(黑人音乐团体首次在美国大型音乐活动中登台)。不久黑人音乐最终得以为欧洲贵族表演。南北战争前,黑人宗教团体从白人教会的赞美诗中吸取营养,开始走上一条完全不同的发展道路。黑人的五旬节派教会,为了让更多的人参加,鼓励教徒在聚会中使用乐器(特别是打击乐器)。黑人福音音乐的重要人物当首推W.赫伯特.布鲁斯特(W.Herbert Brewster),他使音乐在节奏上更富于变化,并大量使用人的原声变化进行伴奏。但那个时代最重要人物则是多尔西(Dorsey)。1916年,在搬到芝加哥前后,他开始正式研究音乐。作为一位杰出的钢琴演奏家、吉他手、歌手和作曲家,多尔西曾一度不谙宗教。但不久,他的宗教背景征服了他,先是杜撰出“福音歌曲”这个词,接着又将写满所谓“芭蕾音乐”的曲谱出售。他第一个在教堂外将钢琴用于宗教歌曲的伴奏,并创立了第一支女子福音四重唱乐队(早期的福音歌曲组合都是男性)。1930年,在全国浸礼会大会上,多尔西以一首《如果你看到我的主》(If You See My Saviour)而声名大噪。同年,他又成立了托马斯.A.多尔西福音音乐出版公司。从1932年开始,他和萨莉.马丁(Sallie Martin)一起发现并培养了克拉拉.沃德(Clara Ward)和玛哈丽亚.杰克逊(Mahalia Jackson)。1932-1934年创立了全国福音歌舞大会,直到70年代,他还在为它服务。60-70年代,多尔西还作为芝加哥清教徒浸礼教会的牧师做巡回演讲。1976年,他在BBC电视台的节目《魔鬼之乐——布鲁斯音乐的历史》中出现。多尔西一生共创作了大约1000首歌曲,并出版了半数之多。其中包括《和平的山谷》(Peace in the Valley)、《抓紧我的手,主》[Take My Hand Precious Lord,这两首都由埃尔维斯.普雷斯利(PRESLEY,ELVIS)于1957年录制]和“Sweet Bye and Bye”等等。他举足轻重的创举之一是在1936年,他促使萨利.马丁和罗伯塔.马丁在Dusable学校进行了一次歌唱比赛,这也是历史上第一次福音音乐的有偿表演。1938年,修女罗伯塔.萨普(Roberta Tharpe)在棉花俱乐部的Cab Calloway节目中演唱福音歌曲,那年,黑人福音乐团体加入约翰.哈蒙德(John Hammond)的音乐会,这其中包括萨普。

福音音乐的黄金时代始于1945年,许多新成立的独立音乐公司如Apollo、King和Speciality等专门出版福音歌曲,电台也开设了清晨福音音乐节目,星期天晚上还有专场表演,各种旅行福音乐队也到处充斥在剧院、教堂和庆典节目中。当时的福音乐队一般都以一个富有感染力的女歌手在前面演唱,后面配以优美的和声,伴奏乐器通常只有钢琴和风琴。40年代起,黑人福音音乐拥有了自己的广播节目,当时最棒DJ当数乔.博斯蒂克(Joe Boatic),他在1950年与杰克逊一起在卡内基厅组织了第一届黑人福音及宗教音乐节。1959年,活动转至麦迪逊广场花园,并发展成为第一届年度福音、灵歌及乡村音乐节。50年代,福音音乐频频在电视节目中出现。杰克逊在埃德.萨利文的节目中首次露面。1957年,沃德合唱队成为第一支参加纽波特爵士乐节的福音音乐组合。贝西.格里芬(Bessie Griffin)把福音音乐带进了邦普斯.布莱克韦尔(Bumps Blackwell)1959年在新奥尔良创作的卡巴莱歌舞剧《青铜像》(Portraits in Bronze)中。1961年,沃德演唱组进入夜总会,杰克逊也参加了约翰.肯尼迪总统的就职典礼的演出。此后,沃德组合在城市音乐广播大厅中占有一席之地。克拉拉也在第一批福音音乐剧中担任了主角。此时,摇滚之风已悄然兴起:以埃尔维斯.普雷斯利(PRESLEY,ELVIS)和杰里.李.刘易斯(LEWIS,JERRY LEE)为代表的白人艺人深受南方黑人以及白人教会那种自由自在的风格影响。雷.查尔斯科尔(CHARLES,RAY)也不再刻意模仿纳特.科尔(NAT’KING’COLE),而是在浸礼教会的影响下转而发展节奏与布鲁斯音乐,他甚至还直接吸取了大量福音音乐的曲调。还有些节奏与布鲁斯音乐艺术家则更为激进[比如:小理查德和“尖叫的”杰伊.霍金斯(HAWKINS,SCREAMIN’JAY),他们的风格逐渐流行化,并且狂热地宣扬“性爱”。无端毁灭圣洁的事物,他们的这些做法无疑被信徒们所不耻。当然,福音音乐还是以男子为主流。从1945年起,标有Apollo,特别是Peacock、King和Savoy标签的福音音乐唱片成了一桩大买卖。出版发扬唱片的乐队还有“南方蜂鸟”(Dixie Hummingbirds)、“灵魂煽动者”(The Soul Stirrers,1935年组建,第一个5人乐队,以4人和声来为主唱伴唱,并第一次使用吉他伴奏)、“天鹅银调”(The Swan Silvertones)、“金门佳节四重唱组”(The Gold-en Gate Jubilee Quartet,组建于1939年,《斯大林不是斯大林》(Stalin Wasn’t Stalin)是他们战争期间的杰作]、“斯特普尔歌手”(The Staple Singers)等等。女子组合包括涌现出格里芬这样优秀乐手的“南方竖琴精神歌手”(The Southern Harps Spiritual Singers)以及由歌手/词曲作者兼一身的“多萝西爱色鬼”(Dorothy Love Goates)领衔的“正宗福音和声”(The Original Cospel Harmonettes)乐队。这些乐队长期以来都深受节奏与布鲁斯乐和“嘟呜普”(Doo-Wop)音乐的影响。60年代黑人灵魂音乐的爆发直接来源于此。阿蕾沙.富兰克林(FRANKLIN,ARETHA)就深受沃德的影响,她的第1张专辑是在父亲的教堂中完成的。伟大的萨姆.库克(COOKE,SAM)来自“灵魂煽情者,在投身流行音乐之前,他就成了少男少女们的偶像。1957年,他华丽的唱腔使《你使我神魂颠倒》(You Send Me)登上了冠军榜,这首歌也成为灵歌的经典曲目。阿奇.布朗利(Archie Brownlee)的激情打动了詹姆斯.布朗(BROWN,JAMES),“银调”的风格也潜移默化地在“诱惑”(TEMPTATIONS)演唱组的身上得以体现。黑人福音音乐的真情已永远地汇入了现代流行音乐的文化洪流之中。1969年,埃德温.霍金斯演唱组(Edwin Hawkins Singers)以一首《噢,快乐的日子》(Oh,Happy Day)享誉国内外。以上所提到的大部分艺人及他们的作品在美国Schwann唱片目录的《宗教、圣歌、赞歌》栏目中都有记载。

从1969年起,福音音乐协会每年将颁发“达夫奖”(Dove Awards),其中为白人和黑人分别授予传统和现代福音音乐奖。福音音乐终于有了自己的格莱美奖。

[此贴子已经被作者于2003-10-15 12:48:53编辑过]





Blues is about tradition and personal expression. At its core, the blues has remained the same since its inception. Most blues feature simple, usually three-chord, progressions and have simple structures that are open to endless improvisations[1], both lyrical and musical. The blues grew out of African spirituals and worksongs. In the late 1800s, southern African-Americans passed the songs down orally, and they collided[2] with American folk and country from the Appalachians. New hybrids[3] appeared by each region, but all of the recorded blues from the early 1900s are distinguished by simple, rural acoustic guitars and pianos. After World War II, the blues began to fragment, with some musicians holding on to acoustic traditions and others taking it to jazzier territory. However, most bluesmen followed {$Muddy Waters}' lead and played the blues on electric instruments. From that point on, the blues continued to develop in new directions -- particularly on electric instruments -- or it has been preserved as an acoustic tradition.

BLUES is generally classified into several main types which are Chicago Blues, Country Blues,Delta Blues, East Coast Blues, Harmonica Blues, Louisiana Blues, Modern Electric Blues, Texas Blues and West Coast Blues.

1.improvisation: n.即兴诗人,即席演奏者.Some one who do or make '(something he has not prepared for) because a sudden need has arisen.
2.collide: v.碰撞,冲撞.To meet and strike (together) violently.
3.hybrids: n.杂种,混血儿,混合物. Something, esp. an animal or plant, that is produced from parents or different breeds.





To the untrained ear, all rap and hip-hop may sound the same, but there's a number of different levels in even the simplest rap song. At its core, hip-hop is a post-modern musical genre that deconstructs familiar sounds and songs, rebuilding them as entirely new, unpredictable songs. Early rap records, commonly called "old school," were made by DJs scratching records and playing drum loops, with MCs rapping over the resulting rhythms. As the genre progressed, hard-rock guitars and hard-hitting beats were introduced by Run-D.M.C., the first hardcore rap group, and the scratching techniques were replaced by sampling. With their dense collages[1] of samples, beats and white noise, Public Enemy took sampling to the extreme, and they helped introduce a social and political conscience to hip-hop. That faded in the '90s, as gangsta rap -- originally introduced by NWA, who used Public Enemy's sound as a template -- became the dominant form. By the '90s, gangsta rap, which originally was in direct opposition to such pop-oriented rappers as MC Hammer, had become smoothed over and stylish[2], and consequently was more popular than ever, as evidenced by the success of pop-gangsta Puff Daddy.

Hip-Hop is one main type of RAP.

1.collages: n.(picture made by an) unusual combination of bits of paper, cloth, photographs, metal etc.(用纸片、碎布、照片、金属等的)美术拚贴、拼贴画.
2.stylish: adj. fashionable;时髦的,漂亮的,有气派的.





Reggae is a music unique to Jamaica[1], but it ironically[2] has its roots in New Orleans R&B. Reggae's direct forefather is ska, an uptempo, rhythmic variation based on the New Orleans R&B Jamaican musicians heard broadcast from the US on their transistor radios. Relying on skittering guitar and syncopated[3] rhythms, ska was their interpretation of R&B and it was quite popular in the early '60s. However, during one very hot summer, it was too hot to either play or dance to ska, so the beat was slowed down and reggae was born. Since then, reggae has proven to be as versatile as the blues, as it lends itself to a number of interpretations, from the melodic rock steady of Alton Ellis and the rock and folk-influenced songwriting of Bob Marley to the trippy, near-psychedelic[4] soundscapes of dub artists like Lee "Scratch" Perry. It has crossed into the mainstream through the bright, bouncy "reggae sunsplash" festivals and pop-oriented bands like UB40, but more adventurous reggae artists, such as Marley and Perry, have influenced countless reggae, folk, rock and dance artists. Their contributions resonate[5] throughout popular music.

REGGAE is generally classified into several main types which are Ragga, Ska, Rock Steady, Lovers Rock, Dub Poetry, Dub and Dancehall.

1.Jamaica: n.牙买加
2.ironically:adv. contrary to plan or expectation;讽刺的,用反语的.
3.syncopated: v.(music) change the rhythm of; displace the normal beats or accents of,eg as in some jazz;(音乐)改变...的韵律;不守或改置正常的节奏或拍子.
4.psychedelic:adj. producing distorted sensory perceptions and feelings or altered states of awareness or sometimes states resembling psychosis;起幻觉的,迷幻的.
5.resonate:v. be received or understood;(使)共鸣.


从30到40年代,大型爵士乐队风行美国。由于他们演奏的舞曲曲调动听、活泼节奏鲜明,又有很强的艺术性和挑逗性,听到这种音乐,人们不禁会随着它的节奏和韵律,扭摆着身子翩 翩起舞。故人们称之为Swing。Swing这个词的意思是"摇摆"。在我国称之为摇摆乐。

这种大型爵士乐队的演奏,不仅出现在娱乐场所,他们也进军到了好莱坞。当时美国许多故 事影片里都有他们的身影,甚至有的影片就是以某个大型爵士乐队的活动为主题或请来著 名歌星,影星与之合作,编成的故事。例如大家熟悉的美国故事片《出水芙蓉》就是一例 。它是由"美国小号?quot;亨瑞·杰姆斯和著名影星伊莎·威廉斯合作演出的。从影片中,观 众能欣赏到亨瑞·杰姆斯领导的爵士乐队演奏的多首名曲,领略到这位小号手高超,神奇的 演奏技巧。单簧管演奏家班尼·古德曼、长号演奏家汤米·多赛领导的乐队也拍过不少电影。由于这些影片在世界各地放映,摇摆音乐的风格逐渐为人们所熟悉,并出现了不少流行 曲。那个时期,纽约哈莱姆地区活跃着多个大中型爵士乐队,出现了不少有名的爵士乐高手 。例如被人们称之为"伯爵"的威廉·帕西、海姆斯·瓦勒等,这里就不一一介绍了。

  由于爵士乐队很多,风格各异,因而产生不少新的流派。其中最著名的有比-波普爵士、甜 美爵士和冷漠爵士。

  比-波普爵士是四十年代中期,由约翰·伯克斯·吉莱斯蒂和查里·帕克共同创立的。吉莱 斯蒂是一名爵士小号手,擅长快速演奏。他常常在演奏中,突然变换速度和节奏,表演非常放纵,人们给他起了个绰号:"疯子";查里·帕克是一名萨克管手,演奏风格也是放荡不 羁。人们给他起了个绰号:"野马"。他们在演奏或演唱完乐曲之后,常常在结尾处加上一 些"劈劈啪啪"之类的声响和虚词。1945年,他们录制了一首名叫《比-波普》的乐曲。从此,人们把他们的爵士风格,称作"比-波普"。而"波?quot;(POP)又有"流行"、"大众 "的意思,用它也是恰到好处。

  甜美爵士的基础是取材于一些时尚的流行曲。这些曲子速度一般都采用中速或慢速,旋律优美、动听。演奏的基本方法是,乐队先合奏一段引子,继而独奏者演奏一个短小的主题, 然后其它乐器先后呼应,进行发展和变化。由于这些曲子曲调一般都很甜美,故人们称之为甜美爵士。

冷漠爵士则是更多地注重演奏技巧。这种爵士速度一般都较慢。曲调中多采用连续的切分节 奏和乏力的音符,以突出忧郁的情调。在演奏现场,演奏者旁若无人,表情淡漠,更谈不 上与听众沟通情感,尤其是用萨克管演奏,或用加有弱音器的小号演奏时,那冷漠的音色,更增添了人们凄凉、孤寂的情感。冷漠爵士的代表人物有迈尔斯·戴维斯等。


[此贴子已经被作者于2003-10-15 12:51:10编辑过]




轻音乐是一种使人宽心放松的器乐类音乐,与爵士乐要求听众最大注意力不同, 轻音乐的主要目的是使人消除紧张,放松下来......

Easy Listening music is instrumental music that was designed to be soothing[1] and relaxing. Unlike jazz, which demands your utmost attention, easy listening slips into the background, which is the very reason many critics and listeners dismissed the music as nothing more than disposible fluff. Although some ed themselves with unpredictable instrumentation and idiosyncratic arrangements. Still, the primary characteristic of easy listening, from Ray Conniff's lush wordless vocal records certainly fall into that category, there were a number of inventive arrangers and conductors working in the genre, such as Martin Denny, Les Baxter and Esquivel, who distinguishs to the Latin flourishes of Herb Alpert, is that it's pleasant and easy on the ears.

EASY LISTENING is generally classified into several main types which are Lounge, Exotica and Orchestral Pop.

1.soothing: 使人宽心的, 抚慰的.less angry or anxious, comfort or calm.





Born from an aesthetic[1] that aims to induce a sense of inner calm, new age music emerged from the meditational[2] and holistic[3] fields. Generally, these are harmonious and nonthreatening albums that are allied with new age philosophies encouraging spiritual transcendence[4] and physical healing. Some of these albums are artistically satisfying as well as therapeutic[5]. Lesser musicians, however, often make ridiculous claims in the liner notes as to their ability to catapult[6] listeners into advanced spiritual states through specially designed sonic vibrations and "immaculately[7] conceived" musical ideas.

NEWAGE is generally classified into several main types which are Techno-Tribal, Solo Instrumental, Progressive Electronic, New Acoustic, Neo-Classical, Minimalism and Ethnic Fusion.

1.aesthetic: n. branch of philosophy which tries to make clear the laws and principles of beauty; 审美学,美学.
2.meditate: v. to think seriously or deeply; 沉思,冥想.
3.holistic: adj.emphasizing the importance of the whole and the interdependence of its parts;整体的,全盘的.
4.transcendent: n.surpassing, excelling; 超出的,超越的,超凡的,卓越的.
5.therapeutic: adj.of or related to medicine concerned with the tratment and cure of disease; 治疗学的,关于治病的,治疗术的.
6.catapult: v.to become catapulted; spring or bolt;征服.
7.immaculately: adv.purely,faultlessly; 纯洁的;无暇的.





Each country has their own folk music, but the genre usually refers to American and British music that has been passed through the generations by oral tradition. It's simple, acoustic-based[1] music that spins everyday events and common people into mythic status. Many traditional folksongs have no known author, they have simply evolved over the years. Most of the earliest recorded folk music was of this nature, but with Woody Guthrie, topical folk began making its way to record. Still, many artists, including the Weavers and Pete Seeger, chose to mix traditional songs with newer material, either written by the artists themselves or other contemporary musicians. Initially, Bob Dylan functioned in that style, but by his second album, "The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan," he began relying entirely on original material, thereby ushering the modern era of folk, where most performers sang their own (usually personally and introspective) material, and only occasionally throwing in covers.

FOLK is generally classified into several main types which are Folk Revival, Contemporary Folk, British Folk and Traditional Folk.

1.acoustic: n, 声学, the scientific study of sounds.



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