我是來自台灣的朋友 我覺得內地的朋友們都好有才華 有種手牽手這首歌的感覺 都唱得好棒喔 且有個聲音好像David tao 有點嚇一跳@@
雖然我不是看得很懂簡體字 但是覺得這裡很溫暖 我會常來這裡的
I com from taiwan , I fell David tao's fans in DTFC are so good. The "HAPPY NEW YEAR" song is outstanding.
One of the singer's voice like David tao , I surprised when I listend. And one of like JJ林俊傑.
If I were David tao , I am very appreciated.
ps. My english is not good .sorry!
see you !!
I like this web.