As a regular guest of DTVC, I'm very honored to be a part of it. The purpose of doing it is pretty simple, just to make all of you guys who are singing and listening to this song feel the same touching and happiness within it.
Recalling all that I did, it's a tough experience for me to make it real. I did record this song for nearly hundreds of times because of some unpredictable reasons. Whlie we are enjoying it, we can never forget the ones who're behind all the hard work. Every single participants do all they can do to make it perfect even though it's somehow a little bit imperfect. Just wanna thanks for your passions and great contributions to this. Especially 稻子, finally you almost worked 24-7 to work on this and to make this happen in time. You rock! I'm really proud to be in and have you guys in DTFC. Just in a word, everyone in DTFC is my friend and always be. Happy New Year!!!!!
01-29-06 2:28 p.m.
[ 本帖最后由 J-will 于 2006-7-22 21:10 编辑 ]