
Punk新锐Fall Out Boy离队男孩

Punk新锐Fall Out Boy离队男孩

Fall Out Boy第一张专辑Take This To Your Grave

发行日期: 2003年5月6日
Label:   Fueled By Ramen
Credits: Recorded by Sean O'Keefe

1 Tell That Mick He Just Made My List Of Things To Do Today     
2 Dead On Arrival   
3 Grand Theft Autumn/Where Is Your Boy   
4 Saturday   
5 Homesick At Space Camp   
6 Sending Postcards From A Plane Crash (Wish You Were Here)   
7 Chicago Is So Two Years Ago   
8 The Pros And Cons Of Breathing   
9 Grenade Jumper   
10 Calm Before The Storm   
11 Reinventing The Wheel To Run Myself Over   
12 The Patron Saint Of Liars And Fakes

Fall Out Boy2005年全新专辑【Fall Out Boy - From Under The Cork Tree】

厂牌:Island   隶属公司:Universal
發行日期:2005 年 06 月 10 日


爽勁龐克曲式空降全美流行專輯榜TOP 9+網路銷售榜亞軍

充滿年輕活力朝氣,暢快將龐克的不羈氣焰完全釋放,聆聽Green Day的音樂帶給他們創作上的靈感,些許EMO風格夾帶流暢聲線,
Fall Out Boy雖然和時下偶像團體般,在團名中加入個"Boy"字眼,但是,他們可完全不按牌理出牌,踢爆時下做作男孩偶像團體的面具,
雖然讓台灣樂迷感到陌生,但是來自芝加哥的Fall Out Boy,卻是在全美地下Hardcore樂界,竄升最快的一組搶眼年輕部隊。
由主唱/吉他手Patrick Stump、吉他手Joseph Trohman、貝斯手Peter Wentz及鼓手Andrew Hurley四人在2000年組織而成,夾帶Metal-Core、Hardcore Punk等勁道,不時點綴出的流行音韻,都讓Fall Out Boy的歌曲朗朗上口容易消化,充滿旺盛精力所演出的舞台效果,皆是令台下樂迷為之瘋狂的誘因。2001年自資發行DEMO帶,引起廣泛討論,隔年偕同獨立Emo樂團Project Rocket合力發行專輯,這時獨立廠牌的興趣隨即蜂擁而至,2003年AMG送上四星半近滿分專輯『Take This To Your Grave』,無強大宣傳後盾下,狂銷20餘萬的驚人數字,對Fall Out Boy而言,可是莫大鼓舞,很快的主流大廠紛紛丟出善意合作計畫,幾經評估花落環球音樂旗下名廠Island,日後大大小小的龐克音樂盛會上,都可看到Fall Out Boy身影,終於苦盡甘來的將他們音樂版圖擴展至放眼國際!

 正式於主流廠發行的全新大碟【From Under The Cork Tree】,由Patrick和Peter兩人聯手創作出的25首新歌中,取捨精挑出最終13首作品,果然不負眾望的首週推出空降全美流行專輯榜TOP9位置,AMG網站仍然高度讚譽送上四星半近滿分評價,製作/混音的部分,則交由重金屬到另類搖滾至新世代龐克界赫赫有名的高手Neal Avron (Lita Ford、Weezer、Good Charlotte)主鎮!多首落落長的曲名也許讓你看得眼花撩亂,但是毫不拖泥帶水的爽勁龐克曲式,平均在三分餘中快意度過,誠如\\\\\"Of All The Gin Joints In All The World"、"Get Busy Living Or Get Busy Dying"等標準曲式,體會Fall Out Boy包裹在流暢線條下的過癮Emo情緒;"Nobody Puts Baby In The Corner"、"7 Minutes In Heaven"等曲則散發如同New Found Glory、Blink-182等團搖頭晃腦的討喜旋律;相當搞笑的單曲"I Slept With Someone In Fall Out Boy And All I Got Was This Stupid Song Written About Me",宣洩早期Hardcore樂種的影響,會心一笑的故事情節,再再讓Fall Out Boy式的幽默表露無遺!

1. Our Lawyer Made Us Change The Name Of This Song So We Wouldn’t Get Sued
2. Of All The Gin Joints In All The World
3. Dance, Dance
4. Sugar, We’re Goin Down
5. Nobody Puts Baby In The Corner
6. I’ve Got A Dark Alley And A Bad Idea That Says You Should Shut Your Mouth (Summer Song)
7. 7 Minutes In Heaven (Atavan Halen)
8. Sophmore Slump Or Comeback Of The Year
9. Champagne For My Real Friends, Real Pain For My Sham Friends
10. I Slept With Someone In Fall Out Boy And All I Got Was This Stupid Song Written About Me
11. A Little Less Sixteen Candles, A Little More "Touch Me"
12. Get Busy Living Or Get Busy Dying (Do Your Part To Save The Scene And Stop Going To Shows)
13. XO

Fall Out Boy乐队官网: http://www.falloutboyrock.com/    可以在此查阅到他们所有的资料

Fall Out Boy英文自传:

When he was a little boy, Fall Out Boy bassist and lyricist Pete Wentz enjoyed reading “Curious George,” “Babar” and Richard Scarry books, but his favorite children’s book was “The Story of Ferdinand” by Munro Leaf. The story, about a giant bull who sits under a cork tree and smells flowers instead of getting into the ring and battling a bullfighter, was so inspirational to Wentz that he titled the band’s breakthrough record From Under the Cork Tree.

“I think it’s an amazing metaphor for how people can be,” Wentz says. “There’s something really honorable about following your own path and not doing what’s expected of you.”

It’s a lesson Fall Out Boy have taken to heart. When the Chicago band finished touring for their debut album, Take This To Your Grave, they were flooded with accolades from critics and fans, which clamored for a follow-up. However, rather than jump right into writing and recording mode, as they had for their debut, Fall Out Boy took their time experimenting with different sounds and textures in order to make From Under the Cork Tree as crafty, infectious and enduring as possible.

“We could have easily regurgitated our last record which is what certain people expected us to do,” Wentz says. “But when it’s all over, we want to be remembered as a rock band that pushed limits and was sincere and totally honest to itself and its fans. When we are 90 years old and on our death beds, it will matter to us that at least we took chances.”

From Under the Cork Tree bursts with the energy of a championship sporting event, and resonates with the vibe of good party, while retaining the honesty of a confessional conversation. The first single, “Sugar, We’re Going Down” is a dynamic blend of surging guitars, slamming drums and longing vocals; “Dance, Dance” starts with a buoyant bass line reminiscent of the Cure and mutates into a stomping rocker with an undeniable refrain and “Champagne For my Real Friends, Real Pain For My Sham Friends” swells with one catchy riff after another, and is colored by transitory drum machine clatter and point/counterpoint vocals.

“When we wrote Take This to Your Grave, we were listening to Green Day and the Descendents and a lot of hardcore,” explains Wentz of the new album’s diversity. “But now we listen to a great deal more music and let it influence us without getting away from our roots. I think it's important to know your place, but there's a colossal spectrum that you can explore within that.”

Another difference between From Under the Cork Tree and its predecessor is the way the songs came together. Last time, Stump and Wentz wrote all of the songs together. This go round, the process was more collaborative, involving guitarist Joe Trohman and drummer Andy Hurley. As a result, the music came out more smoothly, leaving Fall Out Boy with 25 songs to chose from for the album. In addition, Stump often created songs based on the feelings he got from Wentz’ words this time instead of the other way around. “It’s always a struggle to figure out how to put someone else’s lyrics into music you’ve already written because everyone’s vocals have a different cadence and that can change the whole thrust of a song,” Stump says. “So, I’ve found stuff I really like in his lyrics and made music beneath it that compliments it.”

One of the best ways to understand what Fall Out Boy are is to realize what they are not. Their music contains elements of punk and pop, but they aren’t pop-punk. Likewise, their songs are emotional and their lyrics can be poignant, but they’re certainly not emo. By tapping into elements of their favorite styles, the bandmembers are able to attain their own sound whilst standing apart from the pack.

In an effort to stamp their music with their own seal and avoid confusion with other bands, Fall Out Boy incorporate their dark sense of humor within their songs, which  abound with clever, biting lines like “written on my wrist says do not open before Christmas” (“Our Lawyer Made Us Change The Name Of This Song So We Wouldn’t Get Sued”). Similarly, track titles like “Champagne For my Real Friends, Real Pain For My Sham Friends” and “You’re a Concrete Boy Now (Do Your Part to Save the Scene and Stop Going to Shows)” are funny as hell, but just north of absurd. One of the most amusingly titled numbers is “A Little Less Sixteen Candles, a Little More ‘Touch Me’.”

“I used to get Circus magazine when I was little, and there’d always be these little ads in the back where you could order posters,” recalls Wentz. “And there’d always be this super-amazing, awesome dirty picture of [topless model turned pop singer] Samantha Fox, who sang “Touch Me.” My mom would never let me order the poster, so I’d just cut the picture out of the magazine and carry it around with me. And, we grew up near Shermerville, which is right near where all the John Hughes movies are set, so that’s where the Sixteen Candles reference came from. It’s really funny to me because nobody who hears the record probably knows who Samantha Fox is, but maybe they’ll look her up on the Internet and see all these amazing topless pictures and thank us. Either that, or they’re send us hate mail.”

Fall Out Boy formed in Chicago out of the ashes of different hardcore bands. Wentz grew up with Trohman and had previously played in a band with Hurley, so when their other groups imploded, the three got together to jam. Soon after they bumped into Stump, whose melodic, but edgy vocals were a perfect fit. But even after the ingredients were in place, the musicians had no lofty career ambitions. “We just wanted to do something different with no intention of it ever becoming anything,” Wentz says. “We didn’t even have a name until after our second show, when we played some college and asked the crowd what we should be called and someone screamed out ‘Fall Out Boy.’”

Being from the Midwest instead of somewhere like Los Angeles or New York, the odds were against them from the start, which only made them try harder. Fortunately, by being removed from any major scene, they could develop organically without outside pressure, which has helped turn them into the band they are today. With lineup and name secured, Fall Out Boy recorded a three song demo, which they sent to every record label they could think of. They attracted the attention of numerous companies, but eventually signed with fledgling label Fueled by Ramen for their debut, Take This to Your Grave, which sold over 200,000 copies. “We decided to sign to Fueled by Ramen because it was a long shot, and Fall Out Boy is a long shot,” Wentz says. “It turned out to be the best decision we’ve ever made.”

For their big break into the mainstream, they joined forces with Island Records, which will help them reconnect with their core fans while reaching an entirely new audience.

“With this record, we’ve got a bigger focus and a grander idea,” Wentz says. “We don’t want to disappoint the 200,000 people who are part of a very cult following that hangs onto our every word, and we won’t. But we wrote this record for all the people who haven't heard of Fall Out Boy before. When George Lucas did “Return of the Jedi,” he wanted it to appeal to the person who saw “Star Wars,” but at the same time, if somebody wasn't born when that came out, they can still go see the movie and have it be a very exciting thing for them. That’s the kind of thing we want to achieve.”

我个人是非常看好这支乐队的,当人们都在关注Green Day的时候,我也希望大家可以小小注意一下这支Fall Out Boy,因为他们的音乐做的很棒!!

[ 本帖最后由 J-will 于 2005-9-10 08:42 编辑 ]

You might not make it to the top, but if you are doing what you love, there is much more happiness there than being rich or famous.


All Hope Is Gone,what else?




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