Session Start: Thu Aug 21 16:24:55 2003
Session Ident:
[16:29] * My_David_Tao has joined
[16:29] * SmartBot sets mode: +o My_David_Tao
[16:29] <davidcn_ice> hehe
[16:29] <limzheng> 陶喆来了!!!!!!!!
[16:29] <DavidCN_didi34> where is he??
[16:29] <DavTen_jOe> how come so many david tao??????
[16:29] <davidcn_sheer> 啊
[16:29] <davidcn_ice> my eye are busy~~~~
[16:29] <nichgal> 4.32 LI
[16:29] <davidcn_sheer> REALLY??
[16:29] <DavidTAOcn_romeoJulian> yeah
[16:29] <davidcn_ice> my david tao
[16:30] <DavidTAOcn_romeoJulian> 我爱陶吉吉
[16:30] <davidcn_sheer> WHO
[16:30] <DavidTAOcn_romeoJulian> david ,say something!
[16:32] <DAVIDCN_XENIA> GOD!!!!
[16:32] <DavidCN_Dean> ???
[16:32] <DavidCN_Rebecca> david is here!
[16:32] <
My_David_Tao> Ijust got in to Malaysia just now
[16:32] <
My_David_Tao> very beautiful day here
[16:32] <
My_David_Tao> I'm lovin' it
[16:32] <
My_David_Tao> miss you guys all so much
[16:33] <
My_David_Tao> i'm very hungry now and very excited to have dinner later
[16:33] <
My_David_Tao> yes, looking foward to seeing you guys at the autograph session tomorrow at Mid Valley at 8pm
[16:33] <
My_David_Tao> please show up
[16:35] <
My_David_Tao> i love nasi lemak and goreng
[16:36] <
My_David_Tao> preparing for show in Malaysia and going to bring everybody a great band and a fun evening of music and sharing
[16:37] <
My_David_Tao> i love malaysian food
[16:38] <
My_David_Tao> don't know yet who is going to be the special guest of the concert yet but will know soon within the next two weeks or so
[16:38] <
My_David_Tao> it'll be a surprise!
[16:39] <
My_David_Tao> i will come to Shanghai but probably in October
[16:39] <
My_David_Tao> miss you guys in China
[16:39] <
My_David_Tao> thanks for the congrats for the HK show. I had a great time there and the people there were wonderful. There were quite a few friends from Malaysia
[16:35] <
My_David_Tao> where are you guys from? some from China, Malaysia, HK?
[16:35] <
My_David_Tao> where else?
[16:36] <
My_David_Tao> life is great just very busy with Soul Power Tour this year
[16:36] <DAVIDCN_XENIA> SHANGHAI~~~~~~~~!!!!!
[16:36] <davidCN_Davidtao> China mainland
[16:37] <Elaine> i'm very surprised about one news that on the internet. it said <butterfly>&<spicy chicken> these two songs are recomposed.The original songs are sung by the famous band called AD/CD and Brad Olynyk. is that true?
[16:37] <
My_David_Tao> Would love to visit Australia and very possible that we have shows in Australia tomorrow
[16:37] <DavidCN_didi34> some from shanghai
[16:38] <
My_David_Tao> Butterfly is written with my friend, Brad Olynyk.
[16:38] <DavidCN_Rebecca> >>>>>>>> please david, visit <<<<<<<<<<<<<
[16:41] <DavidCN_Rebecca> >>>>>>>> and visit <<<<<<<<<<
[16:41] <
My_David_Tao> By the way, Kung Pao Chicken was written by myself and my friend, Andrew Chu. We gave him a funny initial AC/DC so don't get confused with the grup
[16:41] <
My_David_Tao> I will be coming to Singapore around early December for a concert. Haven't confirmed exact time and venue yet.
[16:41] <
My_David_Tao> I am hoping Tension can join me in the concert but it does depend on their schedule
[16:41] <
My_David_Tao> I like Black Tangerine quite a bit because of the message that it's sending out. I think in this day and age in our world today we need more love and tolerance
[16:41] <DavidCN_Rebecca> David you should try satay also!
[16:41] <
My_David_Tao> We won't be coming to Malacca this time around but hopefully sometime in the future
[16:41] <DavidCN_Dean> can i send my songs to you? i just wanna a chance you can listen my works.
[16:41] <
My_David_Tao> i have been on the site before and it's very nice and impressive. thanks!
[16:41] <
My_David_Tao> i love you all
[16:41] <
My_David_Tao> please send your music and demos to ecentury records in Taiwan. we have people who will check it out and get back with you if it's something we are interested in
[16:41] <ZIQUE> <davten_b4bY[m|L]> how can we post message to you or write to you? would you reply the mails?
[16:41] <
My_David_Tao> unfortunately, many people ask how they can get in touch with me, but the thing is as much as i would love to write and read your emails it's not physically possible
[16:41] <
My_David_Tao> i would love to personally reply to all your messages but that would take a year probably if I really tried
[16:42] <
My_David_Tao> I won't be coming to Kuching this time around, unfortunately. but I really hope you guys can come to KL for the concert on 9/13
[16:43] <
My_David_Tao> we are working on the KL show rundown right now and trying to prepare something very special for you all. it's taking some time but I promise it'll be exciting
[16:43] <ZIQUE> <BABY_DINO> do u like malasian girls?
[16:43] <
My_David_Tao> I think all people are beautiful so I would love to meet girls of any race or country. Love is a universal thing
[16:43] <ZIQUE> <DAVTEN^SoH_pOh^> David, have u ever considered coming out with a Gospel Album?
[16:44] <
My_David_Tao> I will be at Mid-Valley tomorrow at 8pm
[16:44] <ZIQUE> <limzheng> david, do u like Jay Chow Song?
[16:44] <
My_David_Tao> I thought about a gospel album but for now I will concentrate on pop music with a positive message about love and tolerance
[16:44] <ZIQUE> <DavTen_jOe> do you have official fans clud in m'sia?
[16:44] <
My_David_Tao> I love Jay's music. I think he is doing good stuff and pushing the evelope of music in Asia
[16:44] <ZIQUE> <Simone> david: r u a methodist or a catholic???
[16:45] <ZIQUE> <DavidCN_Yieyie> Will david come to shanghai for a concert this year
[16:45] <
My_David_Tao> I am planning to come to China in October some time for promotions so expect to see me there. Really miss you guys over there as well
[16:45] <
My_David_Tao> I'm a Christian.
[16:46] <
My_David_Tao> we have an official website right now and that's
[16:46] <
My_David_Tao> i have never tried to sing a malay song but I'm sure there are many beautiful classic folk songs
[16:46] <ZIQUE> <Josie> david: any plans to get more students like tension?
[16:46] <ZIQUE> <JoAnNe|^-^|> How is it like working with Lee Hom and all major artiste to produce the song Shou Qian Shou?
[16:47] <ZIQUE> <DavidCN_Rebecca> David my friend Poh Yee went to airport just now, She's so sad you can't autograph for her
[16:47] <
My_David_Tao> i would love to work with new artists such as Tension but would definitely need more time first to spend on my own music
[16:47] <ZIQUE> <glitters> what's the most recent music that you're listening?
[16:47] <
My_David_Tao> I would love to direct and write films one day but for now I will focus on music. I want to focus on one thing at a time and do it to the best of my abilities
[16:48] <ZIQUE> <Simone> what type of christian?? they r divided 2 several types...rite??
[16:48] <ZIQUE> <Guest9464498> David i luv yur one of your songs named 'ANGEL'
[16:48] <
My_David_Tao> Honestly, I haven't had much time to listen to much music these days. been quite busy. i do love the Beatles, though
[16:48] <ZIQUE> <Simone> do u plan 2 talent scout 4 a few more artists??
[16:48] <
My_David_Tao> did you guys check out the new album yet? what do you think of the demos and alternate takes
[16:48] <ZIQUE> <mvleo> what's ur opinion about the music in Asia now?
[16:48] <
My_David_Tao> i am always intersted in working and signing new artists. I firmly believe that the
[16:49] <
My_David_Tao> Asian music scene needs new sounds and faces.
[16:49] <ZIQUE> <HuangChiaChien> who is David's favourite HOST???????
[16:49] <
My_David_Tao> music, though, is about the heart and the message and not just about people who can sing
[16:49] <ZIQUE> <glitters> hey dave, your latest album is not in the market yet, i've been hunting around in town
[16:49] <ZIQUE> <glitters> but asian music has too much influence from the west, nothing really "asian"
[16:49] <ZIQUE> <PaulFrankiSuRfReN> where to get the track ivory?
[16:49] <ZIQUE> <Simone> do u plan 2 release an english album in USA one day???
[16:49] <ZIQUE> <Simone> any chances for malaysian 2 get signed??? wut r the criterias???
[16:50] <ZIQUE> <Josie> david: wat is ur fav song by beatle? my fav. is 'yesterday'
[16:50] <
My_David_Tao> the album should be out already. it was released on the 15th of this month.
[16:50] <ZIQUE> <EsTerLeE> bout the demo its kinda cute
[16:50] <
My_David_Tao> i am focusing on the Mandarin music scene for now but if there are opportunities that pop up I would love to pursue them
[16:51] <
My_David_Tao> Beijing Friends, I should be there sometime in October this year
[16:51] <
My_David_Tao> I will definitely sing Moon Over My Heart at the concert on 9/13
[16:51] <ZIQUE> <DAVTEN^SoH_pOh^> DAvid, you always give pple the impression to be quite a philosopher...
[16:52] <ZIQUE> <DavidCN_Rebecca> David, would you pick a fan to sing with you on stage?
[16:52] <
My_David_Tao> the website has some really interesting things you can order and purchase very soon. I just saw some of them and they are very cute
[16:52] <ZIQUE> <sgDTfan> What is a good song for a wedding party?
[16:53] <
My_David_Tao> Katrina was always a demo but recently I produced a version for Eason because he liked that song
[16:53] <
My_David_Tao> Wedding party?! are you getting married? Love is Simple by Me?
[16:53] <ZIQUE> <DavidCN_Yieyie> "UltraSound" is great. but we dont mind if u still Keep your speed. We are already used to "wait" for your new album.
[16:54] <
My_David_Tao> thanks for supporting me and for waiting for my new stuff. i hope to not let everybody wait too long for my next album
[16:54] <
My_David_Tao> I'll try to get it out sometime next year. New look, new sounds but hopefully the same heart and soul
[16:55] <
My_David_Tao> My time is up almost and I shall leave in a bit. Just want to tell everybody that I do miss and love you guys very much. With you guys...
[16:55] <
My_David_Tao> I would never have this opportunity to share my musicwith you. You have put me here and I will continue to work hard on music
[16:55] <
My_David_Tao> Take care, see you guys soon, Love and Bye
[16:55] * My_David_Tao has quit IRC (Reason: )
[此贴子已经被作者于2003-8-21 22:01:08编辑过]