[16:32] <My_David_Tao> hi, everybody! DAVID TAO IS HERE
[16:32] <My_David_Tao> Ijust got in to Malaysia just now
[16:32] <My_David_Tao> very beautiful day here
[16:32] <My_David_Tao> I'm lovin' it
[16:32] <My_David_Tao> miss you guys all so much
[16:33] <My_David_Tao> i'm very hungry now and very excited to have dinner later
[16:33] <My_David_Tao> yes, looking foward to seeing you guys at the autograph session tomorrow at Mid Valley at 8pm
[16:33] <My_David_Tao> please show up [16:35] <My_David_Tao> i love nasi lemak and goreng
[16:36] <My_David_Tao> preparing for show in Malaysia and going to bring everybody a great band and a fun evening of music and sharing
[16:37] <My_David_Tao> i love malaysian food
[16:38] <My_David_Tao> don't know yet who is going to be the special guest of the concert yet but will know soon within the next two weeks or so
[16:38] <My_David_Tao> it'll be a surprise!
[16:39] <My_David_Tao> i will come to Shanghai but probably in October
[16:39] <My_David_Tao> miss you guys in China
[16:39] <My_David_Tao> thanks for the congrats for the HK show. I had a great time there and the people there were wonderful. There were quite a few friends from Malaysia