
2004-07-25/ 一段關於小陶&MEL的報導(英文)

2004-07-25/ 一段關於小陶&MEL的報導(英文)


They're just friends now
By Chang May Choon  

THE relationship may have ended, but the questions have just begun.

We're talking about former lovers, singers David Tao and Melody Liu.

Though the two claim to still be friends, we can't help but ask them about each other.

After all, they were a couple for four years - he was already a singer, while she was studying at University of California at Los Angeles - before splitting up in 2001.

David, who is hailed as the founder of Chinese R&B, even penned a song named Melody last year.

It became such a hit that Melody, who was in the midst of preparing her own album then, soon became popularly referred to as 'David Tao's ex'.

Now that they have both released their albums at about the same time, it's inevitable that their names would hit headlines together again.

When Melody, 24, held a press conference to launch her album in June, the ever-so-supportive David, 34, sent her flowers bearing a loving note: 'I'm proud of you!'.

When he was photographed with a woman known only as Joanna, reporters had to get Melody's two cents worth (she was clueless though) on the 'new' girl.

And when David staged his first concert in Hong Kong recently, no prizes for guessing who the press asked him to invite to watch the show (she didn't turn up, apparently because she was busy).

Last week, this reporter did the natural thing: Ask the two stars about each other in two separate interviews, David over the phone and Melody when she was here to perform at the Zpop concert.

Neither froze or clammed up when the dreaded other half was brought up.

But they both gave vague replies and kept emphasising that they are 'just friends' now.


David went as far as to admit that Melody is 'an important person in my life', but stressed that he hopes 'people will accept her as she is, and not always linked to me'.

Melody sighed aloud at one point and sounded a little miffed, but admitted: 'When I heard the song (Melody), I knew I'd have to face the media and all the questions about us, so the best thing to do is to be honest.'


So here's their respective take on each other, and other topics like love and music:

Why they broke up:

David: 'Personal reasons.'

Melody: 'When two people have been together for a really long time, there's no singular reason for breaking up. Life is short. We just move on and continue in different paths.'

Their relationship:

David: 'She's an ex-girlfriend, and now a very good friend. I was with her for a really long time, and our relationship and friendship is all part of my growth.'

Melody: 'We were dating before, but now we're just friends. As with all relationships, it has taught me a lot. We had a great time.'

Being 'David Tao's ex':

David: 'It's extremely unfair to her. People should start focussing on her and not my relationship, or now, friendship with her. It's her career.'

Melody: 'The choice wasn't mine. The relationship is already in the past, but a lot of people are still very concerned about us, so I try to be honest and straightforward when they ask me. I'm okay with all questions.'

Why he wasn't roped in to help in her album:

David: 'We've talked about it before, but she never wanted my help, or for me to get involved. She wanted to be independent.

'But I've heard her album and she did a very good job. Her vocals and singing really impressed me. She's worked very hard for the album, and I'm very happy for her.'

Melody: 'I'm signed to Forward Music, and I totally trust my company in making decisions for me.

'Even when we were dating, we were very independent of each other. He had his thing, and I had my thing.'

Current love status:

David: 'I'm too busy to date. Joanna (rumoured to be his new flame) is a friend.

'It's one of the rare occasions when I go out, and I get 'caught' on camera. Even if I were to go out with any girl, they'd (the media) say it's my girlfriend.'

Melody: 'I'm single now. (chuckling) But I'm in love with my album!'

Ideal partner:

David: 'Most important is independence. She must have her own mind and a sense of self.'

Melody: 'Someone honest and sincere. And a little taller than me. I'm 1.7m.'

Too busy to keep in touch?

HE is juggling album promotions and a concert tour, while she is busy gaining a foothold in the Chinese music scene.

No wonder lovers-turned-friends David Tao and Melody Liu have not kept in contact since.

'We're both very busy and we don't really talk that often,' Melody told The New Paper.

In town to promote her debut album, Love's Melody, and to perform at the Zpop concert, the American-born star appeared to be a really sweet girl.

Smart too, considering that she holds a double-major degree in international relations and political science.


So why did she uproot herself from her hometown Los Angeles - away from her family comprising her government official father, accountant mother, two sisters and a brother - to brave the Chinese pop scene in this part of the world?

'I've always loved music and singing, and to pursue a dream is a chance of a lifetime,' she said.

Melody is groomed by showbiz veteran Chang Hsiao-yen, who offered her a music contract last August.

She said her life is 'very boring' now.

'It's just centred around work. I'm very busy with promotions, then I go home to sleep. But it's worth it because I'm doing what I like.'

Meanwhile, David is back in Taipei to promote his latest best hits album, Ultrasound, after staging three 'tiring, yet rewarding' concerts in Hong Kong two weeks ago.

He recalled having bigwig guests like Jacky Cheung, Anita Mui, Stephen Fung and Gigi Leung popping backstage to say hi.

What about Melody?

'I was hoping she could come, but I knew she was busy,' he said, with a hint of regret.

His next stop is Malaysia mid next month, then Taiwan, followed by Singapore in December.

Love's Melody and Ultrasound are both out in the stores

Story Index

They're just friends now
Grand gestures of love
Moore plays house with new beau
Their music's not at all hippie
Yet another Korean love triangle

[ Last edited by 朽鸭 on 2004-11-23 at 10:43 ]

Penny#2(痞子) from tw


        生命因DAVE而美 丽!!!




Because if you believe,And you can do it!




David went as far as to admit that Melody is 'an important person in my life', but stressed that he hopes 'people will accept her as she is, and not always linked to me'.

David: 'It's extremely unfair to her. People should start focussing on her and not my relationship, or now, friendship with her. It's her career.'



Stephen Fung是谁啊?






我废了好大的劲 终于看明白了
其实我觉得他们不太配  太独的两个人很难长时间走下去




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