成立时间 1996 成立地点 芬兰
风格 歌特金属(Gothic Metal) 交响金属(Symphonic Metal) 前卫金属(Progressive Metal) 重金属(Heavy Metal)
乐队成员Tarja Turunen,Eron Vuorinen,Marco hietala,Tuomas Holopainen,Jukka Nevalainen
Nightwish的歌的确不同凡响,特别是他们的美声女主唱Tarja Turunen。如果说歌曲中,吉他、贝斯、鼓的速度是暴风雨加冰雹,那么Tarja的歌声却犹如神圣的光芒穿透浓密的云层,使它雨停云散。我尝试着把Nightwish的歌介绍给一些很少听摇滚乐的朋友,他们都非常喜欢她。我相信大家一定会喜欢上他们。
..乐队组建于1996年,1997末Nightwish的首张专辑《Angels Fall First》就开始制作发行,一开始就受到了评论界的广泛关注。他们的音乐:主唱那华丽的美声、键盘手大量的管弦乐音色的运用、吉他手令人头晕目眩的快速吉他solo、优美的曲调以及充满北欧民族风情的长笛演奏都是Nightwish作品中坚持用的一贯特色。快歌如暴风雨的来临,慢歌却是优美、动人。1998年底,Nightwish第二张专辑,《Oceanborn》是他们真正被全世界认可,并开始走红的一张唱片。Nightwish的音乐风格在这张专辑中达到了完全成熟的地步,所有充满想象了的音乐元素都获得了充分的发挥与强化。重金属的强劲与压抑感成为《Oceanborn》最明显的特点,他会让你完全陶醉与紧张刺激的极速当中,又不失幽雅,特别是专辑中的单曲:"Passion And The Opera"。之后的两张专辑《Wishmaster》、《Century Child》都获得不扉的销量。《Century Child》中改编了著名音乐剧曲目《The Phantom of The Opera》,完全的歌特金属味道,Tarja Turunen 在歌曲中淋漓尽致地展现了惊人的高音。
1998 Nightwish┊Oceanborn
Nightwish来自芬兰,是一支女声主唱的歌特金属乐队,乐风中融合了古典与金属乐各自的特点,加上专业出身的唯美女声主唱,向听者展示出了一幅优美的画面。深厚的古典基础以及优雅的女高音,辅以power/speed metal衬底,强力输送重金属与高雅古典乐的混种乐风挟带着交响乐之磅礡刚正气势,Nightwish不只掳获金属乐迷的心而已,就连没接触重金属的乐迷也拜倒在其优美声乐裙摆下,而商业战绩屡屡拿下欧陆金属大奖不提,唱片销售也是每每勇破金唱片! 屡获捷报,更带起了欧陆重金属乐女主唱的风潮! 最早的Nightwish诞生于1996年7月。当时键盘手Tuomas Holopainen打算创作一些不同于自己以往作品的原声歌曲,在这个创作思想下,他写了三首歌,歌曲中只包括键盘,原声吉他,还有女声主唱。当年12月,这三首歌录制完毕,作为乐队的同名Demo发行。当时的乐队成员是Tuomas Holopainen, Tarja Turunen和Emppu。 乐队把这张Demo寄往多家唱片公司,但是却没有得到任何一家唱片公司的赏识。虽然外界给了乐队一定的好评,但是同时也一致认为乐队的风格过于狭隘,缺乏变化,没有什么发展前途. 97年4月,乐队再一次进入录音室,这次他们一共录制了7首歌,吸取了以前的意见,乐队在歌曲中加入了电吉他,贝司和鼓部分,吉他和贝司均由Emppu负责,鼓则由新加入的Jukka Nevalainen完成。歌曲全部收录在限量发行的Angels Fall First里面。凭借新"改良"过的作品,97年7月,Nightwish同Spinefarm公司签定了两张专辑的合同。9月,乐队在Spinefarm旗下录制了4首新歌。加上以前的一些作品,首张专辑Angels Fall First于1997 年10月在芬兰发行;1998年3月,在全欧洲发行。专辑中弥漫着浓厚的歌特气息。来自其中的单曲The Carpenter在芬兰排行榜上位列第8,对于一支新乐队来说,这是一个很好的开端。专辑发行后,乐队只有机会做过几次演出,因为Jukka和Emppu要去服兵役,而Tarja则要完成她在西比柳斯音乐学院的课程,不过这并没有影响乐队的前途,相反,由于第一张专辑的成功,Spinefarm将乐队的合同由2张专辑改为3张。1998年夏天,贝司手Sami Vanska加入了乐队,这时的Nightwish的编制终于健全了。也是在这个夏天乐队完成了专辑Oceanborn的创作,然后从8到10月底完成了录音工作,最后专辑于12月7日发行。来年春天,Oceanborn开始在境外发行.。
1998年12月7日,乐队至今最成功的专辑《Oceanborn》发布了.它登上了专辑榜第五名,其中单曲《Sacrament of Wilderness》成功的坐上了单曲榜的头把交椅。Nightwish开始全国巡演,等到99年春天,《Oceanborn》在海外成功发行。乐队在欧洲特别是德国极受欢迎,所有作品全部热卖,他们开始参加大型音乐节并进行欧洲巡演了。
专辑在密不透风的紧凑氛围下,穿插了两三首柔和的短曲,舒服得令人暂时忘记了重金属的压抑。这时,长笛,钢琴等便表露无遗,让人觉得像走进了鸟语花香地世外桃源一般。我最喜欢的是他们翻唱的名曲 “Walking In The Air”,赋予歌曲以金属的霸气同时,不失歌曲原来的婉转。既有“飞流之下”的气势,也有“绕梁三日”的魅力。值得一提的还有几首男女对唱的曲目,感觉上形式有些像Lacrimosa,同样是低沉的男声配上非常悦耳的女声,或者说更像Rammstein与Stoa同台演出,因为这些曲子既带有 Rammstein钢铁般的铿锵,也蕴含了Stoa的歌剧与新古典色彩。出版于1998年的专辑《Oceanborn》可以说是延续了第一张作品的全部优点。Tarja那仿歌剧唱腔更加激进,而且吉它和键盘中更加入了许多北欧黑金属的演奏手法,整张专辑十分猛烈,所有快板作品在扫射般的Metal riff与喷火的键盘音符推动下叫人热血沸腾。不多的男女双主唱作品如《Deval&the deep dark ocean》等作品中都有一种有别于其它所谓女声Gothic metal组合的独特气质。键盘这次没有过多的音色变化,全是激进的快板旋律.只在《Swanheart》和《Walking in the air》这专辑里仅有的两首抒情慢歌中变幻出一份柔情。尤其令人称道的是,Nightwish乐队的歌词很多写得不错,这在众多摇滚乐队当中是很难得的。总的说来Nightwish这张经典之作带来的是一场重金属的极速之旅,偶尔的一两首慢歌,也只不过是紧张刺激之余适当的调剂罢了。无怪乎很多人同意Nightwish的Oceanwish是1998年最佳的重金属专辑之一。
01. stargazers
02. gethsemane
03. devil and the deep dark ocean
04. sacrament of wilderness
05. passion and the opera
06. swanheart
07. moondance
08. the riddler
09. the pharao sails to orion
10. walkin in the air
11. sleeping sun
ftp://www.51mpc.com/Nightwish-Al ... -1998-Oceanborn.zip
1998 Nightwish┊Angels Fall First
I have finally come full circle and have acquired the debut album "Angels Fall First" by my favorite Danish metal band Nightwish. "Wishmaster" was what got me hooked with the gorgeous operatic vocals and melodic guitar riffs. "Oceanborn" sealed their fate as one of my all time favorite bands in such a short period of time which doesn't occur very often. "Angels Fall First" completes my collection, unless I want to buy their import cds or wait for a new cd to come out from them.
I originally didn't know what to make of "Angels Fall First" because there wasn't really anything that made a major impact on me like the songs off "Wishmaster" and "Oceanborn", but that was on a first listen. Now that I am listening to the album again, I have decided the album isn't so bad as I originally thought. I think the major flaw on this album is that a lot of the songs are drawn out as 5-6 minute long epics which tends to come off as redundant and a bit tedious at times. "Beauty and the Beast" is a perfect example of why some songs should be limited to 4 minutes at the most. I did love hearing flutes particularly on "Nymphomaniac Fantasia". They make a great addition to Nightwish's brand of heavy metal.
I should keep in mind that "Angels Fall First" was Nightwish's first album and a band has to start somewhere. "Oceanborn" was the band's next progression and eventually "Wishmaster" which I consider a heavy metal classic. Perfect "Angels Fall First" it isn't, awful it definitely is not. With songs like "Elvenpath" and "The Carpenter" makes up for the tediousness of "Beauty and the Beast" and "Tutankhamen".
01. Elvenpath
02. Beauty And The Beast
03. Carpenter
04. Astral Romance
05. Angels Fall First
06. Tutankhamen
07. Nymphomaniac Fantasia
08. Know Why The Nightingale Sings
09. Lappi
ftp://www.51mpc.com/Nightwish-Al ... gels_Fall_First.zip
1999 Nightwish┊Sleeping Sun
Backed with 'Swan Heart', 'Walking In The Air' & 'Angels Fall First'. 2002.
1. Sleeping Sun
2. Walking in the Air
3. Swanheart
4. Angels Fall First
ftp://www.51mpc.com/Nightwish-Si ... 99-Sleeping_Sun.zip
2000 Nightwish┊Wishmaster
Finland's Nightwish steps to the head of the atmospheric-metal class with their third album. The regal quintet blends the brooding qualities of goth and propulsion metal with the gorgeous operatic singing of Tarja Turunen. Thanks to musical prowess and the skilled hand of composer-keyboardist Tuomas Holpainen, what could be a ponderous and pretentious affair is a vibrant metal romp. Nightwish walks that fine line between heavy-rock bravado and classical pageantry without tipping too much in either direction; the balance of aggressive guitars and flowing keyboards is just right, and the multitracked female vocals and guitar harmonies are glorious. While some may find the lyrics a bit flowery, Wishmaster bumps atmospheric metal up a notch in the right direction. --Bryan Reesman
Album Description
Third release from Finland's finest opera-style metal band. This album reached #1 on the Finnish charts in May 2000 when it was released in Europe and then gold. The female vocalist Tarja sings in a powerful operatic style, backed by other vocals and jetting from fast to dreamy ballads. Fresh and original for the metal realm.
01. She Is My Sin
02. Kinslayer
03. Come Cover Me
04. Wanderlust
05. Two For Tragedy
06. Wishmaster
07. Bare Grace Misery
08. Crownless
09. Deep Silent Complete
10. Dead Boy's Poem
11. Fantasmic
12. Sleepwalker
ftp://www.51mpc.com/Nightwish-Al ... 2000-Wishmaster.zip
2001 Nightwish┊Over The Hills And Far Away
Nightwish is my favorite heavy metal band. I have been a fan for almost three years now. Last summer I had the joy of seeing the band in concert on their first US tour. One of the songs they performed during the concert was the Gary Moore song "Over the Hills and Far Away" which is about a man who is sent to prison for a crime he didn't commit and yearns to be free with the ones he loves dearly. I just love the infectious melodies. Tarja's vocals sounds amazing. This song alone was the reason why I bought the cd of the same title. The import version I bought includes a bonus track which is a heavy version of "Sleepwalker" from the band's classic "Oceanborn" (which really is their first album, "When Angels Falls" is a demo tape). For a long time "Over the Hills and Far Away" was only available as an import until late last year when it was finally released in the states but without the bonus track. Most of the songs on this album are live tracks but the first four songs are all studio tracks. The first three are previously unreleased songs while track #4 "Astral Romance" was remade by the band in 2001. The production is a lot better on these songs gives the listener a taste of a heavier, more aggressive sound on albums like "Century Child" and "Once" than what was on "Oceanborn" and "Wishmaster".
I love the first four tracks. Besides the title track, "10th Man Down" is my other favorite track. It is a midtempo song with some really great guitar riffs from Emppu. Like I said before, It this album was a precursor to the aggressiveness of "Century Child" and "Once". The guitars are really upfront than on the band's previous albums. "Away" is a gorgeous ballad. I was never really fond of the band's demo tape "When Angels Fall" but one of the few songs on the album I did like was "Astral Romance". I think the 2001 version is even better if that's possible. The credit has to go to better production IMO.
The remaining six tracks are all live tracks. After seeing the band perform live, listening to these live songs brings back memories of their concert. Nothing can compare to seeing the band live but this cd is pretty much the next best thing to seeing them live. "Over the Hills and Far Away" is certainly worth owning for fans of the Finnish metal band.
01. Over The Hills And Far Away
02. 10th Man Down
03. Away
04. Astral Romance [Remake 2001]
05. Kinslayer [Live]
06. She Is My Sin [Live]
07. Sacrament Of Wilderness [Live]
08. Walking In The Air [Live]
09. Beauty And The Beast
10. Wishmaster [Live]
ftp://www.51mpc.com/Nightwish-Al ... ls_and_far_away.zip
2002 Nightwish┊Century Child
"NIGHTWISH could very well have cloned their last full studio album, Wishmaster, and would have been guaranteed to sell as many copies without the fanbase batting an eyelash. Simply put, the band is that good. NIGHTWISH is not stupid, firmly believing in artistic integrity over sales and clearly having the balls to branch out, explore and experiment with their craft. For a start, the level of bombast seems to have been turned down a notch on Century Child in favour of a more metal approach, even singer Tarja toning down her all-out opera vocals somewhat and using her voice with much broader scope. Ironically, the band has become more operatic at the same time with the addition of bassist Marco Hietala - recently stolen from Sinergy - who acts as Tarja's male lead vocal counterpart on several tracks, making a huge impact on the band's sound. No question that NIGHTWISH would be just another band with out Tarja though, who shines brighter than she ever has before. ! Century Child is yet another firm step towards greatness." (9 out of 10 review) – BRAVE WORDS & BLOODY KNUCKLES
-1st new album in over two years! Massive anticipation! -Fourth full-length from one of gothic metal’s leading acts. -NIGHTWISH have already received double platinum and gold album awards in their native Finland, as well as winning two Emma Awards (the Finnish equivalent of a Grammy) and scoring four Top 10 hits at radio. -Produced by Tero Kinnunen (Nightwish) and Mikko Karmila (Amorphis, Stratovarius, Avantasia) at Caverock and Finnvox Studios in Finland.
01. Bless The Child
02. End Of All Hope
03. Dead To The World
04. Ever Dream
05. Slaying The Dreamer
06. Forever Yours
07. Ocean Soul
08. Feel For You
09. The Phantom Of The Opera
10. Beauty Of The Beast
ftp://www.51mpc.com/Nightwish-Al ... 2-Century_Child.zip
2002 Nightwish┊Ever Dream
1. Ever Dream
2. The Phantom of the Opera
3. The Wayfarer
ftp://www.51mpc.com/Nightwish-Si ... 2002-Ever_Dream.zip