Thank you…
To my dear Lord, who has blessed me with so many precious gifts, friends and experiences. He holds my hand even as I walk through the darkest periods of my life. Without His love, guidance and compassion none of this would be possible.
My EMI Taiwan family
To my Big Bosses, Uncle Norman and Michael, for your faith and support. Without your passion for and support of Chinese music and myself, this album would not have been possible.
To PR, for having to do so much in such a short amount time. Thanks for your support and understanding.
To my management team (the big sisters), Vivian, Joanna and Bianca, for leading the way and opening up new paths in my career.
To Li Yang and the Marketing team, for bringing new dimensions to this album and its songs. I know how hard you’ve fought with everybody just to realize our dream and vision.我会站在你后面挺你的,don’t worry about a thing.
To Daisy and the Promotions team, 添富, 婷婷, 君玮,阿福,瑜芳,克芬,小乐for always taking care of me so well and for creating a promotion campaign through which I can explain my album and speak to the audience. 音乐做完了后面就看你们了!我知道你们会有压力,可是我真的希望这一切不只是一个辛苦的工作而是一个你们可以有收获的日子。
My New Chinese Songs family
To Andrew, who is more than my production coordinator but my “co-pilot” and best friend. You are always there and have never let me down. I’m always in awe of your talent, passion and faith. I apologize for wreaking havoc on your personal life ( sorry, Mickey! ) during the making of each album.
To Joanna for helping me start and set up our new “home”. I can’t think of anybody who could’ve done it better. Great work on the website, once again!
To Josh for your passion, loyalty, and honesty towards your music and our friendship. It’s so wonderful to see you step our of your shell and become happier and more successful. We are here for you.
To Mitch for your wonderful debut in the creation of the website as well as your friendship, passion for music, faith during these past two years and also during the production of this album. Get some rest. Rock on, Gentle Giant!
To Therese, for so many years of managing my publishing and organizing my songs and creations. What a mess things would be if it weren’t for you.你是我们大家庭的妈妈!
To Dean and Ryan, for just being real and making music from your heart telling your life stories. Don’t ever lose faith in yourselves.
To all of you at New Chinese Songs for Beijing there just when I needed you the most and for making it really feel like home for all of us.
The Artists and Masters
To 娃娃姐,again for breathing so much life into our songs. Thanks for sharing your stories and feelings with our listeners and me. You have enriched my music and life greatly.
To Francis, for your brilliance and intellect in transforming the abstract into the accessible. You have brought this album and its songs to heights I’ve always wished I could reach.
To Craig, for your passion and vision of what music is supposed and not supposed to be. I apologize for those 5am mornings and you not Beijing able to spend Christmas with family. Thanks for coming through time and time again for me. A trusted friend, you are.
To Kheng Long, for your talent, dedication and persistence in making this album with me. It’s such an honor to be on stage and in the studio with you knowing how incapable of a musician I am. This album wouldn’t have been the same without you. Speak more Chinese la.
To Jim Lee for Beijing there to slap my butt into shape and for making our Beijing sessions so pleasurable and easy. You’re the best! I can always count on you for no holds barred opinions and tough love. Sorry, Jeanna, here I go again with my man.
To 女子十二乐坊, for gracing this album with your music, beauty, and passion. It’s been a dream of mine to create a new Chinese musical form and genre and you’ve helped me realize that dream. I’ve learned so much from you all and I will truly cherish this collaboration for life. See you all soon! 真的很欣赏你们对音乐的纯真和认真。你们让我回到十五岁刚接触音乐的时候的那种快乐和兴奋!
To all the awesome musicians ( Abe, Dean, Bruce, and Lance), for once again sharing your magic and passion with me.
To Eddie and Louie at Marcussen Mastering for again working with our crazy schedules and accommodating us in every way. You guys are the best.
To Jammy 小猴子,for helping me constantly breakthrough in so many ways and for looking my best. Over the years we’ve been through so much and you’ve seen every part of my life. I honestly don’t know what I’d do without you! 你想好了没?!
My Gold Label and EMI China, Singapore and Malaysia Families
My Friend and supporters in the Media
My Friends and Loved Ones
To my friends Mickey, Lily C, Kathleen, James Y, Kevin L, Amanda, Young, Eddie Chiang, Lucinda, Judy T, Margaret, Jimmy H, Brain F, Raymond H, Andy L, John B, Eddie Chang, Eugene Huang, Nono and Christine for your companionship, friendship and great sense of humor during these years and this making of this album. I couldn’t have tasted the sweetness and joy of life without your presence in my life.
To my family at, 喆服, and other fan sites for your support all these years. Our family is growing stronger and larger by the day but I hope we can always interact and love one another without borders or prejudice.
To my fans and supporters for your understanding, patience and love of me, my music and what I’m constantly trying to achieve. Without all of you, there would be NO David Tao as you know of today. 没有你们也不会有我。
I know I’m forgetting somebody… forgive me if I do.
My colleagues and I have all worked hard on this album and I hope you can show your support and love by buying official 正版 copies of it. 买正版才能够让音乐人坚持他们的理想和不变质。买正版或就不要买。
This album is yet another blessing from the Lord given to us to be shared with all of you. I hope it is as meaningful to you as it is to all of us who participated on it.
May we all pray and give wholly to those hurt in the recent disasters caused by the Indian Ocean earthquake.
May He bless and keep you all. DT
[ Last edited by pill on 2005-1-21 at 06:50 ]