10:30 of airports
My seen each other of ..drinking.. Co so much. the airport and put
it soon by 10:30 airplanes
...(.. ..decrease.. point even of cola that drinks at one o'clock ..
the remainder of) and the beam.. ..(...
)OH YEAH FOR MY BABY that remains in at one o'clock (point)
Keeping walking BABY me needs when we one year ago pass the enjoyment,
it fills in it at the time of tears, and it is made to laugh and when
you your suitable should part, one kind of breath needs breath of the ..
desire.. some spaces.
You who is more want to avoid more and BABY in yours who starts in
had back and loses me that loves all problems not to be able to be
answered already.
10:30 airplanes have already done, and even your shadow has not shown
up by me ..decrease..) and ..(.. thinks by you that you might wait
for and your luggage of your red and white clothes.
You are the last my.. Kima in my 1:30 house already. the list of
names of the traveler on the way in the return
I who doesn't have the name of you who thinks that it does fixed OH
have already lost you.
It is often giving it insufficient and you want finally ..(.. to
value ..decrease..) until losing whether for the person who returns
to the house to always become foolish ..you who doubts you should
still think...