陶吉吉 [就是愛你 音樂驚奇之旅 ] 2005 世界巡迴演唱會
陶 [式]音樂魔力11月26日新加坡全面引爆!
闊別2年, 華語樂壇 “R&B教父” 陶吉吉將於來臨
11月26日在新加坡舉行陶吉吉 [就是愛你 音樂驚奇之旅 ] 2005 世界巡迴演唱會!
續2004年 [SOUL POWER 演唱會]在新加坡創下絕佳的口碑回響及票房成績, 陶吉吉將二度來新開唱, 並準備以全新且深具突破性的表演形式為本地樂迷呈現一場豐富的音樂饗宴! 陶吉吉 [就是愛你 音樂驚奇之旅 ] 2005 世界巡迴演唱會備受眾多樂迷期待,日前在上海的首站演出就在五天內創下熱賣10000張門票的銷售佳績!此次陶吉吉將演出完整帶到新加坡,勢必將掀起另一波的R&B 熱潮!
這場[就是愛你 音樂驚奇之旅 ] 2005 世界巡迴演唱會由陶吉吉參與製作與企劃,並將呈現陶吉吉一貫重質感的音樂演出。但是更值得注意的是,這次的演唱會也加入了許多前所未見的視覺創意,分分秒秒將讓觀眾沉浸于精彩無比的音樂世界。
演唱會中大家能一次過聆聽陶吉吉自出道以來的經典曲目。大家耳熟能詳,如 “愛很簡單”, “飛機場的10:30”, “黑色柳丁”, “天天”, “普通朋友”, “Melody”, “Susan 說” 及 “愛我還是愛她” 等精選好歌,將通過重新編排,肯定讓觀眾震撼十足!
除了擁有最佳的幕後班底,呈現最頂尖的樂團,音響,燈光及演出外,屆時陶吉吉將把新加坡室內體育館的大舞台變換成為一片 “熱帶雨林”,更將出動 “直升機”,將這場“驚奇之旅”推向精彩高潮!想一睹這位樂壇才子特別準備的音樂驚喜,那樂迷就得到場親自體驗了!
陶吉吉 [就是愛你 音樂驚奇之旅 ] 2005 世界巡迴演唱會將於2005年11月26日, 晚上8點, 假新加坡室內體育館隆重舉行! 演唱會門票價分為$78, $108, $138,及$168 (不包括SISTIC 手續費), 已通過各個SISTIC 售票處, SISTIC 網站
www.sistic.com.sg及訂票熱線 6348 5555公開發售!欲知 陶吉吉 [就是愛你 音樂驚奇之旅 ] 2005 世界巡迴演唱會, 請上HYPE RECORDS 網站
www.hyperecords.com 查詢。
Following the highly successful world concert tour in 2004, Asia’s Top R&B artiste David Tao will thrill local music lovers with an exclusive one-night concert at the Singapore Indoor Stadium on
26 November!
Since breaking into the music scene with the highly-applauded self-titled debut album in 1997, David Tao has advanced to be one of the most respected musicians in the region with his musical talents and production capabilities. An all-rounded singer/producer/composer, David Tao has surprised the conservative Chinese music industry with his fresh approach and outstanding versatility in music. His works, which consist of east-meets-west fusion of R&B, soul, jazz to country and even rock, have successfully developed into a new sound wave that is widely accepted by fans.
To date, he has released four studio albums and a compilation, of which have not only achieved outstanding sales records but also been well-received by critics and highly recognized by uncountable music awards.
After a two-year wait, David Tao finally returns with the much awaited [LOVE CAN WORLD TOUR 2005] that promises an all-new yet pure music experience you could never imagined!
Don’t miss a night of world-class performance as this top notch R&B singer brings you on an extraordinary trip down his music paradise with all-time favourite hits such as “愛很簡單”, “飛機場的10:30”, “黑色柳丁”, “天天”, “普通朋友”, “Melody”, “Susan 說” and “愛我還是愛她” , topped with remarkable visual, stage and audio effects in this highly-anticipated concert!
DAVID TAO [LOVE CAN WORLD TOUR 2005] will be held on 26 November, 8pm at the Singapore Indoor Stadium. Tickets priced at $78, $108, $138 and $168 (excluding Sistic charge) are available at all Sistic outlets from 10 October. Ticket bookings are also available on the Sistic Website or via ticketing hotline 6348 5555. Log on to the Hype Records website for the latest concert updates.