
David Tao: Black Tangerine

David Tao: Black Tangerine

陶喆的黑色柳丁或许是我所听过的华语专辑中的最爱了.一张完整的专辑,没有哪首歌可以被舍弃.这也是我第一次听到"概念专辑"这个名词,让我了解到一张专辑整体性的呈现给人带来什么样的冲击和感受.从开场强烈的摇滚慢慢过渡到平和的情歌,一直到最后的摇篮曲.让我们重新找到力量,那蕴涵在平静中的爱的力量.很多评论把这张专辑里的情歌和以前david的一些情歌都笼统地概括为"陶氏情歌".那是我所不能接受的.因为在这张专辑里,我听到的是david关于爱的感受,而不只是给某个人或者为了某段感情的歌唱.我们聆听到的是他的感情,一种藏在人性里的东西,而不是个别的单独的某个情感.而正是那种无特别对象的感情,才是最后给我们力量,让我们感动的东西.它才能激发出你内心中所有的爱,或者是别的情感.而那是情歌形成的简单共鸣所不能给予的.正因为如此,才是david不同于华语乐坛其他流行歌手的原因.相比于普通流行歌手的出片速度, david并不因为自己的影响力而一味追求商业上的成功.普通流行音乐更像是一个大的制造工厂,完全地把音乐当作一种产品,在批量生产CD的同时也批量地生产着音乐.于是,模仿,雷同和滥情成为了不可避免的结果.一些音乐仅仅是对于其他音乐的简单复制和修改.而歌手的演绎只是对于歌曲本身,少许地加上自己歌唱方面的风格,那些音乐本身似乎与歌手的经历并没有太大的干系.我们看到的便是这样一个机械复制的流行音乐.有多少人性,多少情感?音乐的存在好象只是为了商业的目的.值得庆幸的是,仍然有那么些人热爱着音乐本身,而音乐更不是他们的全部,只是他们用来诠释自己情感的方式.他们更注重的,是自己情感的部分.感谢上天,给他们用音乐来诠释情感的天赋,得以使那些情感和我们一同分享,来发现我们内心的隐秘.对于我们这些没有音乐天分的人来说,david所做的,正是我们所想的,把那种情感表达出来.

One very early Tuesday morning last year I was awaken by a phone call from a close friend. She told me to immediately turn on the TV and watch the news. What I was about to see that morning was to change my life. Unfolding before my eyes was the destruction of New York City and Twin Towers. I watched the panic stricken faces and the tragedy unfold but for some reason my mind was a blank. I just lay there in my bed numb from the shock and disbelief. Everything looked like a scene from a movie but the horror was that it was a reality.

Many weeks passed before I could even begin to fathom the September 11th attacks. I came to realize that this wasn’t about politics, religions or an attack on one specific country but an atrocity committed against our world and on mankind. I was deeply hurt and somehow felt that this was an attack on me personally. As I helplessly watched the news that day at home I started to ask myself what I could do to help. Yes, I could fly to New York and volunteer as a relief worker or perhaps I could make donations to the Red Cross. But what could I do as a musician and public person ? Then I remembered something I had read when I about twelve. It was the Parable of the Talents (Matthew 25:14) and it spoke of a story of a man who gave his talents (one talent was more than a thousand dollars in those days) to three of his servants before leaving on a journey. After returning from his trip, the man asked his servants what they had done with the money he had given them. Two of them had invested the money and made twofold the profit. However, the last servant hid the talent in the ground in fear of taking a loss in any kind of investment. The wealthy man was furious when he heard this and ordered that this servant be thrown out into the streets and his talents given to the other servants.
While I’ve always known about this parable I never fully understood how it applied to me or how I could put it into practice. I realized that God has given me abilities that I need to put to work. More importantly, I need to use these talents not just to make music but to make music that celebrates light, life and love. We are all given talents and abilities by God (or whatever divine power you believe in) but are we making the best of then and how ? This is a question I frequently ask myself.

After discovering this new meaning for making this album I began to worry and question about whether people wound want to listen to what I had to say or if it was even relevant. I knew one thing for sure and that was I couldn’t just act as if nothing had happened. The world is a different place today (and so am I) than it was five years ago or even a year ago and I simply couldn’t envision myself continuing to make music only for entertainment purposes that didn’t reflect the world we live in. I’ve always seen music as a responsibility and privilege but also as a gift from the Lord. Therefore, this album holds even more meaning to me., as I believe it is a gift of love and hope. And I firmly believe that love is what we need in our world today.

I am excited to finally be able to share this album wit you. Thank for being so patient and for believing in my music. Please accept these songs as a gift from all of us to you. God Bless.

                                                                         August2,2002 11:56 a.m. Taipei


And last but NOT LEAST, I would like to thank all my fans and supporters everywhere and wherever you are. I’m not one to chat with you guys online and stuff but it doesn't mean I don't care about you guys. You're in my hearts and I made this album for you. Please accept this album as a gift frome me. It is a musical picture of my feelings and life but it is also about your life. Find the lamp that lights up your path and walk it with love and compassion. God Bless.


在随专辑发送的<David Tao-Love#1>无声音乐摄影手记中,david写道:

Knowledge is love. They say knowledge is power. However, many people confuse knowledge with a college education or perhaps what they read in books. Knowledge is what you know in your heart and not just what you store in your brain. Knowledge is being spiritually wealthy.

We Chinese people invest very little money and time in the advancement of the arts and culture. Our national budget for the Arts and Culture is among the lowest of the "advanced" countries in the world. We see the arts simply as a form of entertainment or perhaps as a hobby. The Arts are ofter overlooked in schools and universities giving way to more "important" and serious subjects. Children are ofter frowned upon if they wish to major in the Arts or if they wish to pursue a career in the Arts. A career or major in the Arts is seen as unrealistic and useless. We fail to see, however, that through the arts and culture we learn to appreciate the beauty of life. Through the arts, we see the fragility of humanity and the importance of love in this world.

The importance of art and culture has long been ignored and underestimated by us for too long. Our government constantly steals money from its people and secretly puts it into its own pocket. What about our children? What about education? We spend millions building skyscrapers, banks, restaurants, etc. but when was the last time you heard someone building a new school? Or what about the advancement of the arts and culture in programs and classes taught in our schools, colleges and universities?

The mark of a great country and race is not how much wealth or power it has but how much love and tolerance its citizens have. I truly believe that this can only come through the education of our children in the arts and culture. A society with wealth but no love or knowledge is a violent society. Don't let our society and race fail to violence. It's already happening today. Do something about it.

这些本来与音乐无关,但当david的音乐与他那段时间的情感全然联系起来的时候,我们不能放下他的这些想法和关注.只是看这些话,从某种意义上来说,david更像是一个说教者,而他想用自己的影响,把自己的一些想法传播给大众.在专辑扉页中,他所说的I came to realize that this wasn’t about politics, religions or an attack on one specific country but an atrocity committed against our world and on mankind并非是指责某个组织某个人的某个行为,而是对于引起这种行为的原因的思考.它不是两个宗教或者国家之间的问题,不是谁对谁错的问题,在这个时候,我们感受到的是人性中某种痛苦的东西,一种扭曲,对于人性本身的灾难.人和人之间的和谐被破坏了.而维系人与人的,是他们之间的情感.


1. 黑色柳丁  Black Tangerine    04:15
曲: DT    词: DT&娃娃

2. 今天晚间新闻   The World Today    02:12
Edited in 4 days by DT

3. Dear God    05:28
曲: DT    词: DT&娃娃

4. Angel    03:52
曲: DT    词: DT&娃娃

5. 讨厌红楼梦   Let's Fall in Love    04:02
曲: DT    词: DT&娃娃

6. 蝴蝶   Butterfly    04:43
曲: DT&Brad Olynyk    词: DT&娃娃

7. 宫保鸡丁   Kung Pao Chicken    03:54
曲: DT&ACDC    词: DT&娃娃

8. Melody    04:28
曲: DT    词: DT&娃娃

9. 月亮代表谁的心?   Moon Over My Heart    03:24
原曲:翁清溪    原词:孙仪
曲: DT    词: DT&娃娃

10. 二十二   22    04:21
曲: DT    词: DT&娃娃

11. My Anata    03:47
曲: DT    词: DT&娃娃

12. 摇篮曲   Lullaby    04:14   
曲: DT    词: DT&娃娃
一个平静的收尾,却是充满着力量.好象所有的爱都在这个时候隐藏起来.但那样的平静的隐藏是为了延续,到很久很久,成为一种永恒的东西.只有拥有这样的东西,我们才有力量去面对黑夜,才能够看到你的美.最后的good night正如这张专辑中所有的歌曲的收尾一样让人充满希望,让人感受到力量在自己肢体的每一个部分存在.
Love Can.

Bonus Track: Katrina(Demo)
曲&词: DT
民谣的简单.含蓄的歌词.含蓄的爱.有些东西是我们永远无法表达出来的,那些东西深埋在我们内心.我不知道怎么样去表达,尽管我想染全世界都知道.这样的美,是东方文化在西方简单生活方式下的生产, 李安又何尝不是如此?有些东西,真的很美,只要你感觉到.

P.S.  扉页部分david的话复制自http://web.davidcn.club/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=15711,应该是vivi打上来的吧,谢谢她
that's it






Our government constantly steals money from its people and secretly puts it into its own pocket. What about our children? What about education? We spend millions building skyscrapers, banks, restaurants, etc. but when was the last time you heard someone building a new school? Or what about the advancement of the arts and culture in programs and classes taught in our schools, colleges and universities?







"I'm ok"







[ 本帖最后由 吉々吉々时来到 于 2006-2-21 22:13 编辑 ]




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