
Wentworth Miller--Prison Break(最近狂迷的男人 挖卡卡)

Wentworth Miller--Prison Break(最近狂迷的男人 挖卡卡)

Wentworth Miller--Prison Break

Full Name: Wentworth Earl Miller III            
Birthdate: June 2, 1972
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Birthplace: Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire, England, UK
Current Residence: Los Angeles, California
Hair: Black
Eye Color: Green(另外,我在inside TV上看到的是BLUE)
Height: 6'0 1/2 (身材挺不错滴)
Family: Wentworth Earl Miller II (father)(果然,默……………………), Joy (mother), two younger sisters
看来他儿子要叫Wentworth Earl Miller Ⅳ?
上the interview的时候说一般朋友都会叫他WENT

London born-Brooklyn raised Miller is part African-American, Jamaican, English, German, French, Dutch, Syrian, and Lebanese. He graduated Quaker Valley Senior High School in Leetsdale, PA (Just outside Pittsburgh) in 1990 and went on to Princeton, where he traveled the world with the school's a capella group. After graduating Princeton with a degree in English literature, he moved to Los Angeles to pursue a career in the background of the entertainment industry, and later acting.

His acting career started with guest spots on TV, including Including roles in "Buffy the Vampire Slayer," "Popular," and "ER," and a starring role in the ABC miniseries "Dinotopia." His first film role was in "The Human Stain," playing a young Anthony Hopkins. After that he landed supporting roles in "Underworld," "Stealth," "Joan of Arcadia," "Ghost Whisperer," and two Mariah Carey videos.

Miller was cast in "Prison Break" because his signature look and acting made him the perfect fit for the character, and later, the breakout star of the 2005 TV season.

Wentworth Miller--Prison Break

Full Name: Wentworth Earl Miller III            
Birthdate: June 2, 1972
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Birthplace: Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire, England, UK
Current Residence: Los Angeles, California
Hair: Black
Eye Color: Green(另外,我在inside TV上看到的是BLUE)
Height: 6'0 1/2 (身材挺不错滴)
Family: Wentworth Earl Miller II (father)(果然,默……………………), Joy (mother), two younger sisters
看来他儿子要叫Wentworth Earl Miller Ⅳ?
上the interview的时候说一般朋友都会叫他WENT

London born-Brooklyn raised Miller is part African-American, Jamaican, English, German, French, Dutch, Syrian, and Lebanese. He graduated Quaker Valley Senior High School in Leetsdale, PA (Just outside Pittsburgh) in 1990 and went on to Princeton, where he traveled the world with the school's a capella group. After graduating Princeton with a degree in English literature, he moved to Los Angeles to pursue a career in the background of the entertainment industry, and later acting.

His acting career started with guest spots on TV, including Including roles in "Buffy the Vampire Slayer," "Popular," and "ER," and a starring role in the ABC miniseries "Dinotopia." His first film role was in "The Human Stain," playing a young Anthony Hopkins. After that he landed supporting roles in "Underworld," "Stealth," "Joan of Arcadia," "Ghost Whisperer," and two Mariah Carey videos.

Miller was cast in "Prison Break" because his signature look and acting made him the perfect fit for the character, and later, the breakout star of the 2005 TV season.

网友评论:现在他在美国人气很旺啊,粉丝遍地开花。 个人认为幕后marketing做得不错,不过之前这么长一段时间竟然默默无闻,可惜了。
今年年头的时候他在Mariah Carey的两个mv里面露脸(It's Like That 和We Belong Together) ,借着老玛咸鱼翻生的人气和mv的高播放率,马上吸引了很多人注意。后来随着Prison Break的广告海报铺天盖地二来,想不注意他都不行。他个人素质和家庭背景很不错:他老爸有一半黑人血统,跟克林顿一样是Rhodes Scholar,母亲是教师,他自己是Princeton University普林斯顿大学毕业生。跟他的大多数大学同学选择当律师医生的人生路向不一样,他选择当演员为自己的职业。不过凭Prison Break出名前的很长一段时间,他都是靠在电影公司当临时工糊口的,偶尔客串一下电视剧的小角色,浪费了自己的一表人才。直到03年,他终于等到一个很适合他的角色----扮演The Human Stain里年轻版男主角Coleman Silk,一个把自己黑人身份隐瞒了几十年的大学教授,而年老版则由老牌影帝Antony Hopkins出演,女主角是Nicole Kidman。本来这部戏的阵容很强大,但由于题材比较沉重和富争议性,所以票房惨败,自然也就捧不红Wentworth Miller了。他窜红其实就这两三个月的事。

Wentworth Miller--Prison Break

Full Name: Wentworth Earl Miller III            
Birthdate: June 2, 1972
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Birthplace: Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire, England, UK
Current Residence: Los Angeles, California
Hair: Black
Eye Color: Green(另外,我在inside TV上看到的是BLUE)
Height: 6'0 1/2 (身材挺不错滴)
Family: Wentworth Earl Miller II (father)(果然,默……………………), Joy (mother), two younger sisters
看来他儿子要叫Wentworth Earl Miller Ⅳ?
上the interview的时候说一般朋友都会叫他WENT

London born-Brooklyn raised Miller is part African-American, Jamaican, English, German, French, Dutch, Syrian, and Lebanese. He graduated Quaker Valley Senior High School in Leetsdale, PA (Just outside Pittsburgh) in 1990 and went on to Princeton, where he traveled the world with the school's a capella group. After graduating Princeton with a degree in English literature, he moved to Los Angeles to pursue a career in the background of the entertainment industry, and later acting.

His acting career started with guest spots on TV, including Including roles in "Buffy the Vampire Slayer," "Popular," and "ER," and a starring role in the ABC miniseries "Dinotopia." His first film role was in "The Human Stain," playing a young Anthony Hopkins. After that he landed supporting roles in "Underworld," "Stealth," "Joan of Arcadia," "Ghost Whisperer," and two Mariah Carey videos.

Miller was cast in "Prison Break" because his signature look and acting made him the perfect fit for the character, and later, the breakout star of the 2005 TV season.

网友评论:现在他在美国人气很旺啊,粉丝遍地开花。 个人认为幕后marketing做得不错,不过之前这么长一段时间竟然默默无闻,可惜了。
今年年头的时候他在Mariah Carey的两个mv里面露脸(It's Like That 和We Belong Together) ,借着老玛咸鱼翻生的人气和mv的高播放率,马上吸引了很多人注意。后来随着Prison Break的广告海报铺天盖地二来,想不注意他都不行。他个人素质和家庭背景很不错:他老爸有一半黑人血统,跟克林顿一样是Rhodes Scholar,母亲是教师,他自己是Princeton University普林斯顿大学毕业生。跟他的大多数大学同学选择当律师医生的人生路向不一样,他选择当演员为自己的职业。不过凭Prison Break出名前的很长一段时间,他都是靠在电影公司当临时工糊口的,偶尔客串一下电视剧的小角色,浪费了自己的一表人才。直到03年,他终于等到一个很适合他的角色----扮演The Human Stain里年轻版男主角Coleman Silk,一个把自己黑人身份隐瞒了几十年的大学教授,而年老版则由老牌影帝Antony Hopkins出演,女主角是Nicole Kidman。本来这部戏的阵容很强大,但由于题材比较沉重和富争议性,所以票房惨败,自然也就捧不红Wentworth Miller了。他窜红其实就这两三个月的事。

插曲:S1-05 里 最后 scofield 被带出监狱送到其他监狱那段

Artist: Alexi Murdoch Lyrics
Song: Orange Sky Lyrics

Well I had a dream
I stood beneath an orange sky
Yes I had a dream
I stood beneath an orange sky
With my brother standing by
With my brother standing by
I said Brother, you know you know
It’s a long road we’ve been walking on
Brother you know it is you know it is
Such a long road we’ve been walking on

And I had a dream
I stood beneath an orange sky
With my sister standing by
With my sister standing by
I said Sister, here is what I know now
Here is what I know now
Goes like this..
In your love, my salvation lies
In your love, my salvation lies
In your love, my salvation lies
In your love, in your love, in your love

But sister you know I’m so weary
And you know sister
My hearts been broken
Sometimes, sometimes
My mind is too strong to carry on
Too strong to carry on

When I am alone
When I’ve thrown off the weight of this crazy stone
When I've lost all care for the things I own
That's when I miss you, that's when I miss you, that's when I miss you
You who are my home
You who are my home
And here is what I know now
Here is what I know now
Goes like this..
In your love, my salvation lies
In your love, my salvation lies
In your love, my salvation lies
In your love, my salvation lies
In your love, my salvation lies
In your love, my salvation lies
In your love, my salvation lies
In your love, in your love, in your love

Well I had a dream
I stood beneath an orange sky
Yes I had a dream
I stood beneath an orange sky
With my brother and my sister standing by
With my brother and my sister standing by
With my brother and my sister standing by


Wentworth Miller FAQ's

What is his full biography?

Name: Wentworth Earl Miller III
Birthdate: June 2, 1972
Born: Oxfordshire, England
Raised: Brooklyn, NY
Height: 6' 1/2"
Eyes: Blue
Sign: Gemini
Secret talent: A cappella singing (he sang with his group 'The Tiger Tones' in university. He also recorded two albums with them.)
Heritage: African-American, Jamaican, English, German, French, Dutch, Syrian, and Lebanese
Favorite TV show: Law & Order
TV crush: Angie Harmon
Favorite game: Scrabble
Before his big break: Worked at a Borders bookstore for two years
Ride: 1983 Mercedes 300
Childhood nickname: Stinky
You may have seen him: Getting hot and heavy with Mariah Carey in her videos "We Belong Together" and "It's Like That."

Does he have any siblings?

Two sisters.

How did he get the nickname "stinky"?

He had a bad attitude. With the [a cappella singing group] Tigertones, he was always quick with the sarcasm, so he was slapped with "Stinky." It had nothing to do with hygiene.

Where did he go to school?

Graduated from Quaker Valley Senior High School in Leetsdale, Pennsylvania in 1990. He then graduated from Princeton University in 1995 with a degree in English.

What movie projects has he done in the past?

Guest appearances: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Time of Your Life, Popular, ER, Joan of Arcadia, and Ghost Whisperer.
Filmography: Discovering Dinotopia, Evolution: The Making of 'Dinotopia', Witness from Dinotopia.
Production Associate: Shaughnessy, Gone in the Night, Vows of Deception.
Movies: Romeo and Juliet, Room 302, The Human Stain, Underworld, Stealth
TV: Dinotopia, Prison Break

Where did he get that scar on his upper lip?

We're not entirely sure.

Is it true that he's gay?

It's the internet -- it's just a stupid rumor which was started by someone with penis envy. As far as we know (and us ladies hope), he's not.

Who are his ex-girlfriends?

At this point, he's not been in the spotlight long enough for us to know about his personal PERSONAL life.

Is there a mailing address we can reach Wentworth at?

Wentworth Miller
c/o Scott Melrose
c/o Endeavor Talent Agency
9601 Wilshire Boulevard, Floor 3
Beverly Hills, CA 90210


Wentworth Miller
Prison Break
P.O. Box 900
Attn: FOX BROADCASTING Publicity Dept.
Beverly Hills, CA 90213-0900


姓名: Wentworth Earl Miller III
生日: 1972年6月2日
出生地: 英格兰,牛津郡
成长地: 纽约,布鲁克林
身高: 6' 1/2"(1.84-1.85米左右)
眼睛颜色: 蓝色(说法不一,而且貌似会变色)
大家不知道的特长: 清唱 (大学时加入了合唱队The Tiger Tones',而且与他们一同录了两张专辑)
血统: 美国黑人, 牙买加, 英国, 德国, 法国, 荷兰, 叙利亚和黎巴嫩(正好八个国家,八国联军?)
最喜欢的电视节目: 法律与秩序
喜欢的电视明星: Angie Harmon
最喜欢的游戏: 拼字游戏(无语了)
在演pb之前作过什么: 在Borders书店干过两年
自己的车: 1983 Mercedes 300
小时候的外号: Stinky
之前你可能在哪见过他: Mariah Carey 的mv"We Belong Together"与 "It's Like That."里面






1990年在宾西法尼亚州Leetsdale的Quaker Valley Senior High School高中毕业.,后1995在普林斯顿大学毕业,并获得英文学士学位。


客串的电视有:Buffy the Vampire Slayer,(捉鬼者巴菲) Time of Your Life, Popular, ER(急诊室), Joan of Arcadia(天国的女儿), and Ghost Whisperer(鬼语者).
拍过的电影: Discovering Dinotopia, Evolution: The Making of 'Dinotopia', Witness from Dinotopia.(以上都是恐龙帝国)
制作助理: Shaughnessy, Gone in the Night, Vows of Deception.
电影: Romeo and Juliet, Room 302, The Human Stain, Underworld, Stealth
电视: Dinotopia(恐龙帝国), Prison Break








Wentworth Miller
c/o Scott Melrose
c/o Endeavor Talent Agency
9601 Wilshire Boulevard, Floor 3
Beverly Hills, CA 90210


Wentworth Miller
Prison Break
P.O. Box 900
Attn: FOX BROADCASTING Publicity Dept.
Beverly Hills, CA 90213-0900

[ 本帖最后由 babybabybaby 于 2006-1-20 21:45 编辑 ]





After I have watched PB,yeah, I have been attracted with Wentworth's charming.It's so fantasitic.HOHO, I really love his eyes....The following is something about him^^
Wentworth琐事(Trivia & Notes)
1. When Wentworth walks outside with the body art from Prison Break, "...people look at [him] with, well, not newfound respect but perhaps suspicion."

2. Wentworth's popularity went up 614% on The Lycos 50, since Prison Break premiered on FOX.

3. Wentworth was a part of a group called the Tigertones while attending Princeton; they recorded two albums.

4. About being in prison: "I wouldn't last long. I'd get shanked in, like, five minutes."

5. Wentworth graced the cover of Interview magazine in February 2005.

6. Wentworth loves to read. He says, "A great book provides escapism for me. The artistry and the creativity in a story are better than any drugs."

7. In January 2004, Wentworth appeared in an anti-drug ad.

8. Wentworth is featured in the October 2th-8th, 2005 issue of TV Guide.

9. Wentworth was named "TV's Hottest New Face" in Insider Magazine, the week of October 24th-30th, 2005.

10. On Prison Break, Wentworth says, "There are deeper emotional and psychological issues at work here."

11. On his character in Prison Break, Wentworth says, "Michael was a success in his pre-prison life. He had a career, friends, girlfriends, and yet he was willing to throw that away and go to jail to save his brother. That's not something your average Joe would do."

12. On Jesus Christ Superstar, Wentworth remarks, "It's just hippie-licious..."

13. Anna Devere Smith, Wentworth's co-star in Human Stain said, "I did love working with Wentworth. He’s really an extraordinary, interesting young man."

14. Wentworth enjoys the following quote from Toni Morrison's Beloved: "Definitions belong to the definers and not the defined."

15. Wentworth worked at Borders for two years before getting his break in acting.

16. Wentworth drives a 1983 Mercedes 300.

17. As a kid, Wentworth's nickname was "Stinky."

18. One of Wentworth's secret talents is a capella singing. He used to be a member of Princeton's all male glee club.

19. Wentworth's favorite tv show is Law and Order.

20. Wentworth's favorite game is Scrabble.

21. Wentworth was born in England, but raised in New York.

22. Wentworth says, "I think the character I play [on Prisonbreak] is potentially sexy."

23. Wentworth says, "I'm kind of a dork. I don't have much game. I'm not particularly comfortable in bars or clubs. I much prefer being home playing Scrabble, having dinner with a couple friends, going to see a movie, or losing a whole weekend to Season 14 of Law and Order or The Simpsons."

24. Wentworth says, "I'm neither sexy nor a star."

25. Wentworth says he's currently "single and too busy to date now."

26. One of Wentworth's favorite horror movies is The Shining.

27. As a child one of Wentworth's favorite movies was Time Bandits.

28. Wentworth says, "I wrote it [my thesis] on the idea of doubling and the gender identity construct in Jane Eyre and The Wide Sargasso Sea..."

29. Are any of your tattoos on the show real? Wentworth: "No. It's really not my thing, but it is a treat to become someone who's 50 percent tattooed. The whole pleasure of being an actor is trying out things you don't have to take home with you at night."

30. In the movie Stealth, Wentworth was the voice of EDI.

31. One of Wentworth's favorite movies is Dangerous Liaisons.

32. One of Wentworth's favorite horror movies is Carrie.

33. To find his way into acting, Wenworth started out as a temporary worker in the entertainment industry.

34. Wentworth is named after his father, Wentworth Miller II.

35. On how he came to be an actor: "Acting has always been a passion, and I did it all the way up until college."

36. Wentworth Miller about his co-star in "The Human Stain", Anthony Hopkins: "The man is a legend and I've always been a huge fan of his work".

37. Wentworth talks about himself: “I’m pretty much a couch potato.”

38. Wentworth says, "You might look at my CV and see I've had 12 jobs, but I've been to over 450 auditions so I've heard 'no' a lot more than I've heard 'yes'. So if I go in looking only to meet my own standards, then that will make taking that rejection a little bit easier. And when I do get that job it will seem like icing on the cake."

39. Wentworth says, "When I got to college, acting suddenly seemed like a very risky proposition and all my friends were going to law school or med school or Wall Street."

40. Wentworth has a degree in English.

41. There are 30 decals in the tattoo Wentworth has in Prison Break.

42. Wentworth is a graduate from Princeton.

43. Wentworth on the tattoo artwork: "It's like wearing flypaper and when the weather heats up, your shirt will stick to you like Saran Wrap."

44. Wentworth made Entertainment Weekly's 2003 "It" List.

45. It takes two makeup artists four hours to apply Wentworth's decal tattoo in Prison Break. They only apply the bits that are required for the episode and it can stay on for up to two weeks. It also takes up to two hours to scrub it off!

46. Wentworth graduated from Quaker Valley Senior High School in Leetsdale, Pennsylvania in 1990.

47. Wentworth appears in Mariah Carey's "We Belong Together" and "It's Like That" videos.

48. Before he became an actor, Wentworth was a lowly production assistant for several tv movies.

49. Wentworth is six feet, one inch tall

50. The stylist on the Prison Break set uses Oster Turbo 111 Clippers (9.99) to shave Wentworth and his co-stars' hair.









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貝貝 你春心大動~~~ > <  我吃醋囉  

哈哈 雖然不是我喜歡的型 你開心就好啦 哇哈哈









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