*SCREAMSSS....JUMP UP & HIGH* David left us another msg!!! "TAI GAN DONG LE"... its tooo gd to be true ya, David after seeing your 4th msg, i'm almost convinced the 5th, the 6th n many more msgs i'll see it in the yrs down the road.
i felt that from time to time, its really comforting to be gettin your reassurance of our worthy wait, it makes it all just so worthwhile and proud i am to be your fan for all the letters,msg n concern u've showered us amid your tight schedule.
I'm so very appreciative of that just when i'm still baskin in the happiness of ya soon-to-be-out album, u delivered us yet with another piece of gd news, how much better can it get.... your very 1st official website in the making.... i think it just gets better.... David ya last statement
"... be strong in what you are doing."...thks...i'm helding on to that...
Last edited by tangerina on 2004-12-3 at 02:49 ]