Thursday, 20 April 2006
Hotlink proudly presents
David Tao [Love Can] World Tour 2006
Saturday, 28 October 2006, 8:00pm
National Stadium, Bukit Jalil
David Tao Concert Postponed
Due to sudden unexpected and unforeseen circumstances, the Organiser, Galaxy Group hereby announces that David Tao [Love Can] World Tour 2006, originally fixed on Sunday, 7 May 2006 is now postponed to Saturday, 28 October 2006, 8pm, National Stadium, Bukit Jalil. The reason of the postponement is twofold, as a result of the National Stadium Authority to install 02 FAM football matches on the 4th and 6th of May that interrupt the production and rehearsal flow; and the stadium also need to closed temporarily for urgent maintenance and repair works from 7th May onwards which made the show impossible to go on as scheduled.
Another main reason being David’s health condition as after the motorcycle accident and the operation of which the doctor already inserted a screw his hand; David gave a high-energy performance that worsen the condition; hence the concert is postponed in order for David to fully recover and deliver a 100% showmanship. In David words “the postponement means that I won’t need to worry that I could not give the best performance and on top of that, with the new album, I will add in extra elements to the concert, not seen before in other countries.”
Meantime, David will put his final touches for his new album in June, targeting to be released in July and David will promote the album worldwide till September. However, that doesn’t mean that David would wait till October to come to Malaysia again. In fact, David will first come for a Press Conference to make the announcement himself on the postponement and to meet the fans who already bought tickets, just to assure the fans that he is alright and the show will go on!!! Indeed, Galaxy also hereby announces that RM70 ad RM120 are sold out while the remaining tickets – RM160, RM220, RM260 and RM350 are selling fast especially the last two ticket prices.
Some might wonder why does the postponement seems lengthy. This is due to the Stadium’s unavailability and David’s schedule that tie him down till late-September which also clashes with the Puasa and Hari Raya period. Hence the postponed date is on Saturday, 28 October 2006. In fact, this is the very first time for the Orgniser, Galaxy Group to postpone a chinese concert throughout its company history. In 2004, the concert of Diva, Mariah Carey was brought forward two days from 20th February.
For fans who already bought tickets, the current ticket is still valid but they have the option to change their tickets to a new one with the new date printed on it. David Tao [Love Can] World Tour 2006 is proudly presented by Hotlink. For more information on the postponement, kindly contact Galaxy Group at 03 2282 2020 or log on to
吉隆坡訊)承續著古巨基+楊千嬅《古舞飛楊》大馬新年演唱會2006的成功﹐Hotlink以及銀河娛樂很高興為大家宣佈即將攜手推出兩場2006年度極據號召力的演唱會巨獻。Hotlink榮譽呈獻《雙連環back2back超級演唱會》之陶吉吉《就是愛你》世界巡迴演唱會﹐以及陳奕迅《Get A Life》演唱會。
即將在5月7日和8月26日晚上8時在武吉加里爾國家體育場先後舉辦演唱會的陶喆和陳奕迅,為了催谷氣勢及為演唱會搞噱頭,呈獻單位Hotlink特為“陶喆就是愛你大馬演唱會”和“陳奕迅Get A Life大馬演唱會”辦了個“Back 2 Back雙連環預購會”,凡是Hotlink用戶在4月1日至16日期間同時購買他們兩人同等價格的門票,將有機會享有30%的折扣,座位也是相同編號。
雖然演唱會延期了,但5月7日下午3時,粉絲們依然可以與陶吉吉本人會面。陶吉吉約定你在1 Utama 新翼地下廣場與他見面,讓他親口告訴你“I’m OK”。首100位在當天舉辦的《演唱會新日期推介禮》上購買演唱會門票的歌迷朋友們,將得到10%折扣優待。目前演70和120令吉的門票已經售罄,剩餘的160、220、260及350令吉門票仍在熱賣中。