In line with CDL’s continued commitment to charitable causes, we are proud to be a supporter of this year’s Ren Ci Charity Show 2006 to raise funds for the poor and needy patients who suffer from severe physical disabilities, long-term and terminal illness. Many of them require long term medical and nursing attention.
CDL’s Republic Plaza (RP), the tallest building in Singapore, will be one of the venues for this year’s Ren Ci Charity Show 2006, which will be broadcast 'Live' on Channel U
Date: Sunday Jan 8, 2006
Time: 7.30pm onwards
Venue: Raffles Place Park
As with previous years, Venerable Shi Ming Yi, will put his endurance to the test by taking on another height-related challenge to raise funds for the Ren Ci Hospital & Medicare Centre. The feat? Venerable Ming Yi will be walking on suspended beams which are protruding out of the sides of RP's roof top. The windy conditions on the 66th storey of RP will be a huge challenge. Furthermore, to increase the level of difficulty, from 2 beams, he will be required to walk on 1 suspended log.
Come down to Raffles Place Park from 7.30pm onwards to catch this action 'live' where you’ll be able to witness first hand this incredible feat of human courage and endurance! In addition, MediaCorp artistes like Chen Liping, Rayson Tan, Bryan Wong, Dasmond Koh and Super Host contestants who will also be performing their own stunts at Raffles Place & supporting the Venerable. The 3 ½ hour live show will be screened at Raffles Place Park.
Zoe Tay, Kym Ng, Adam Chen, Jeff Wang, Christopher Lee, Chen Hanwei, Andrew Seow, Cynthia Koh, Jacelyn Tay, Michelle Chia, etc. and foreign celebrities David Tao, S.H.E., Alan Kuo, Kaira Gong, Michelle Yim and Xie Xue Xin will also be taking part with a variety of dance, sketch and difficult stunt segments to be performed at the MediaCorp Studios.
Viewers can make donations via telephone as well as SMS.
Phone Donations
For $5 donations, please dial 1900 112 8888 (open from Dec 19, 2005 to Jan 15, 2006)
For $15 donations, please dial 1900 112 8889 (open from Dec 19, 2005 to Jan 15, 2006)
For donations of $30 and above
Please dial 6746 1110 (Jan 5, 2006 to Jan 11, 2006 from 8am - 11pm)
SMS Donations
For $5 SMS donations, please type 'RENCI' and send to 77666 (from Dec 19, 2005 to Jan 15, 2006)
*Each SMS donation is $5.00 (inclusive of administration charge).
*Those below 18 must seek parental consent.
We hope you will also support this show by coming down to Raffles Place Park or by enjoying the show at home and making a donation for a very worthy cause. 作者: 鑫的寂寞季节 时间: 2006-1-7 23:01