人氣超旺的楊丞琳,昨天在台北站前K~MALL辦簽唱會,由於歌迷以女性居多,被問到下一張如何吸引更多男歌迷?是否需要「爆乳」?她自嘲:「我可能需要隆乳吧。」有「平胸公主」、「可愛教主」等封號的楊丞琳,常忍不住對帶他通告的男宣傳洪書傑說:「書傑哥,你的奶好大,都比我大! 」
楊丞琳回憶當年自己在「4 in love」簽名會現場,只有三個歌迷的場面,團員還比歌迷多,一分鐘就結束了簽名會,四個人在車上抱頭痛哭。如今專輯大賣,楊丞琳已經簽了好幾萬人,她表示:「我完全把自己當新人來做,這張片子有非常好的成績,都要感謝我的歌迷。」
为了庆祝杨丞琳专辑大卖14万张,新力博德曼特别订做一支大笔,上写“目标20万人”,期许她下张专辑大卖20万张、签名签20万人,杨丞琳回顾当年“4 in love”签名会现场只有3个歌迷,团员还比歌迷多,一分钟就结束了签名会,4个人在车上抱头痛哭,如今专辑大卖,杨丞琳已经签了好几万人,她表示:“我完全把自己当新人来做,这张片子有非常好的成绩,都要感谢我的歌迷,让我有了一个非常好的起步,下一张我会更加努力。”唱片公司则表示,《暧昧》专辑让杨丞琳签了好几万人,跟之前的3个人相比,成长了上万倍,很为杨丞琳高兴,因此特别为她准备超级大笔,要她迈向20万人次,下张专辑也一举卖破20万张!
Rainie storm just hot air
Vocal Tao denies TV idol attack, slams paparazzi instead
MERVIN TAY plus@newstoday.com.sg
DAVID Tao is known for being vocal about issues regarding the pop industry, and the Taiwanese singersongwriter raised a few eyebrows again last week in Taiwan.
Press reports quoted him as criticising actors of idol dramas for turning to singing, and using Taiwanese artiste Rainie Yang as an example. Host-turned-singer Yang, ironically, was one of the best-selling new acts this year.
In town to prepare for his concert at the Singapore Indoor Stadium on Saturday, the 36-year-old was solemn, but eager to clarify his alleged comments about Yang.
“I was taken out of context and misquoted,” said the America-bred, Taiwan-based David. “I didn’t direct any criticism at Rainie.”
“In fact, it was a private conversation between me and a label executive in a restaurant, but the paparazzi sat at the next table and secretly recorded the conversation. I didn’t know they were there until I was about to leave.”
While he denied chastising Yang, David, who last performed here in April, maintained his stand about what he called “cross-marketing” in the music industry.
“It seems like currently the way to sell records and succeed is not by making music,” he said. “I’m concerned people are paying less attention to the intrinsic quality of music and are instead buying into the marketing aspects of it.”
Which is why David places much emphasis on his music, the primary element of his concert, instead of stage effects or costumes. Singapore is the third stop of his world tour, after Shanghai and Beijing. He moves on to Taipei and America next year.
“The best-selling concert performers in the world are The Rolling Stones, and their main draw is music,” he said. “If the music isn’t good, it’ll be a disappointment, regardless of whatever stage effects there are.”
Speaking of music, David does not see his own work going the way of “cross-marketing”, and said: “Maybe some people out there want to see David Tao dance. But ultimately, I believe they will appreciate and look for the inner value of a quality product — music included.”