不过真正让Corrinne May在美国发光发亮的,则是参加了由超级制作人Babyface及戴维佛斯特发起的网络歌曲创作比赛的活动,并得到了优胜的头衔。而也因为这个契机,让Corrinne May认识了民谣之母Carole King,并促成了Corrinne May得以与Carole King共同创作的机会,才有了「If You Didn’t Love Me」这首歌曲的产生。
Corrinne May的才华不仅在美国受到肯定,在太平洋彼岸的亚洲,也以创作人的身分出现在不少的音乐专辑中。其中包括了蔡健雅演唱的「默契」、张韶涵演唱过的「Journey」,都是出自Corrinne之手。另外她的歌声也曾出现在由舒琪、莫文蔚以及赵薇所共同主演的电影「末路天使」中演唱电影主题曲「Close To You」。
Fly Away是Corrinne May在美国发行的第一张创作专辑,Corrinne以其细腻的笔触以及歌声,唱出了身处在每个不同时空下旅人的故事。不论是难舍亲情却含笑为远走他乡亲人祝福的Fly Away;尽管身处不同时空然有月光联系便不觉寂寞的Same Side of The Moon;为害怕受伤害而不再轻易付出感情的现代人所写的Fall to Fly;为另一半所写的Mr. Beasley;以及献给所有怅然若失人们的Journey。Fly Away专辑中的每首歌,都值得我们细细的聆听及体会。
Corrinne May 訪問
如果你有看過莫文蔚、舒淇主演的《末路天使》,或者你也曾經四出找尋片末裡出現的一首翻唱版本的《Close to you》,即Carpenters那首,翻唱的是Corrinne May符美芸,她是一位新加坡出生,建立音樂事業在美國,並得到Carole King提拔的歌手。
Subject: (Corrinne May's Newsletter) Around the World in 60 days
I hope you're having a wonderful holiday season
It's been a while since I've sent out an email, so there's a lot I'd like to share with you.
I've been travelling quite a lot of late. I was in New York and Boston in October for a couple of weeks and I had a great time there playing shows at The Bitter End and at Club Passim and getting college radio airplay at WERS 88.9 FM.
And the past three weeks I've been in Cambodia, Vietnam, Malaysia and Singapore. Whew!
I visited the 1000 year old temples of Angkor Wat and Angkor Thom in Cambodia and was humbled by the sheer majesty of the stone carved temples. Remember tomb raider, the movie? I saw the actual temples at Cambodia... the ones with the gigantic trees and tree roots permeating the stone walls of the temples. Amazing.
And Vietnam! Talk about tons of motorcycles criss-crossing everywhere on the streets. Especially in Hanoi, a city of 4 million people and 1 million motorbikes. Our tour guide told us to cross the road slowly and not run, so that we could be seen and avoided by the darting motorists. It was scary trying to cross the streets, especially because nobody cared about the traffic lights in Hanoi! Still, an amazing city, vibrant and graceful despite the years of war endured.
In Singapore, I had my food fix! Filled up on mum's home-cooked food and all the local delights like "char kway teow", ie. a fried noodle dish.
And, I got to sing at the outdoor theatre of the brand new Esplanade, or as local Singaporeans call it, "The Durian" (because of the way the venue physically resembles the thorny, dinosaur-looking fruit) which is Singapore's new world class concert venue. I had lots of fun singing by the water's edge
I will be putting up all the photos from my whirlwind trips of these past few months onto my gallery page within the next week, and I hope you'll have as much fun viewing them as I did taking the pics.
Well, I'm back in Los Angeles now, and I'm swearing off travelling for a while. I'll be spending the next few months getting my second album ready.
Thank you so much for being a part of my journey thus far. Couldn't have made it through the years without your support for my music
By the way, I'll be closing up the year with one last show on Friday, the 27th of December, 9.15 p.m at the Warehouse in Marina Del Rey. The address is below. It'll be nice to see you.
My thoughts and prayers are with you for a blessed Christmas season and a wonderful new year.