Hi, Everybody, it's been a while since I posted a journal so I thought I'd leave a brief message in the chat room to say hello and see how everybody is doing. For those of you who have been to the recent Shanghai concert, I wanna say a big "thank you" for attending and giving me your support! For those of you who missed the show or are planning to attend upcoming shows, I would like to say "thank you" as well for your support and love. I hope to see all of you soon once again!
The Shanghai show was stressful, challenging and exciting but was a success only because of YOUR support and participation! It was the debut show for this concert tour and was something we had all worked very hard for. There are still many more shows to come and I hope each one will bring as much joy and happiness to you as it does to all of us involved. There is still a lot of work ahead of me including production of a new album as well as continuation of the tour throughout much of this and next year.
Summer is coming to an end and I hope the Fall season brings you all many pleasant and beautiful encounters. Till then, may God's blessings follow you all, DT
發表於: 2005-08-29, 11:20 am 文章主題: 我是陶喆, 我回來了