Yet still my lonely spirit soars, amid the mountains and the glenFrom my ancestral burial ground, I am MacIain .The name MacDonald echoes still, within the hearts of highland men.My restless soul will never sleep, I am MacIain. I am MacIain.
The royal stag stands proudly on the hill.Falling prey to man his mortal foe.Some men know nought of dignity or pride.And strike with no respect their deadly blow.
Yet still my lonely spirit soars, amid the mountains and the glen.From my ancestral burial ground, I am MacIainThe name MacDonald echoes still, within the hearts of highland men.My restless soul will never sleep, I am MacIain.
The east is flanked by Buachaile Etive Mhor.At south the highest Bidian is here.
Of treachery no warning will they give.But from Signal Rock betrayal sounded clear.
Yet still my lonely spirit soars, amid the mountains and the glen.From my ancestral burial ground, I am MacIain.The name MacDonald echoes still, within the hearts of highland men.My restless soul will never sleep, I am MacIain.
Yet still my lonely spirit soars, amid the mountains and the glen.From my ancestral burial ground, I am MacIain.The name MacDonald echoes still, within the hearts of highland men.My restless soul will never sleep, I am MacIain.My restless soul will never sleep, I am MacIain.I am MacIain. 作者: 曦祯 时间: 2005-4-26 17:08
1689年英国国王詹姆士七世把国教改为天主教,引起非常大的反弹,被来自荷兰的侄子William of Orange夺去王位.
The MacDonalds of Glencoe和The Campbells of Glenorchy是邻居也是世仇.The Campbells of Glenorchy因为支持William of Orange而得势,1692 年MacDonalds家族被迫表态臣服於新的政权.MacDonalds的首领MacIain在最後一刻不得已前往表示臣服,虽然期限已经超过,但仍然被接受.
因次,当Campbell家族的军队来Glencoe驻扎时,MacDonalds家族不但没有怀疑他们的用心,还很热情地接待.没想到Campbell家族的军队竟然展开了一场大屠杀,MacIain一家人也惨死.这就是苏格兰历史上著名的格兰克大屠杀Massacre of Glencoe