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标题: 2003-7-23/ DAVID的信仰[推荐] [打印本页]

作者: 曦宝    时间: 2003-7-23 00:00     标题: DAVID的信仰[推荐]


作者: Jackie    时间: 2003-7-23 00:00

作者: lonely    时间: 2003-7-23 00:00

作者: lonely    时间: 2003-7-23 00:00

作者: 风儿    时间: 2003-7-23 00:00     标题: 2003-7-23/ DAVID的信仰[推荐]


[ Last edited by chiu_pat on 2004-8-12 at 09:22 ]
作者: melody1874    时间: 2003-7-23 00:00

耶和華是我的牧者, 我必不致缺乏.
祂使我躺臥在青草地上, 領我在可安歇的水邊.
祂使我的靈魂甦醒, 為自己的名引導我走義路.
我雖然行過死蔭的幽谷, 也不怕遭害, 因為祢與我同在.
在我敵人面前, 祢為我擺設筵席, 祢用油膏了我的頭, 使我的福杯滿溢.
我一生一世必有恩惠慈愛伴著我, 我且要住我耶和華的殿中, 直到永遠.

註: 本人也是基督徒呢.
作者: bearsister    时间: 2003-7-23 00:00


作者: 曦宝    时间: 2003-7-23 00:00

以上是陶吉吉第二张专集I’M OK中所附的致谢词(是我个人翻译的内容,还请各位多多指教!!!)
作者: windy    时间: 2004-8-11 19:06

Can you show me the English version? I'm very interested in it. Thanks a lot!
作者: babybabybaby    时间: 2004-8-12 15:26

You are so good at English,I hope DAVID can teach us to study it 。
作者: davidxu    时间: 2004-8-12 23:57

Bible ………………its difficult for me to understand
作者: 節奏與布魯士!    时间: 2004-8-13 12:43

作者: 夜盲症    时间: 2004-8-13 18:09

作者: dapromise    时间: 2004-8-13 21:01

david 真是很棒
本人也是基督徒喔! <3
作者: pill    时间: 2004-8-13 23:05

Even though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death, i will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, theyn comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Surely goddness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and i will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.
Throughout these past two years, i have straddled the fine line between being in heaven and hell. i have struggled with myself and waged war with my soul. My spirit has become the battlefield in which the heart and mind have come to claim victory. The reasons for engagement are no longer clear and the outcome is no longer of importance. Only the ones left behind can tell the true story. i have learned more about myself in these past two years than i ever have at least it's time for me to lay down the arms and embrace myself. i need to rest and let the love again. This is my life and my song. This is also my gift to you, my friends.
作者: 在咖啡館    时间: 2004-8-14 17:34


虽我沒信教 ^^

彈能明白陶陶想說低是啥  很有思想低一个人

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