他们的中文名字叫魔力红乐队,我个人更愿意叫他们Superb Maroon 5(超级魔力红乐队). 因为他们的第一张专辑Songs About Jane 珍.情歌在制作和概念上的确可以称得上无懈可击,他们的超完美表现使得我一次又一次地为他们的音乐而感到折服,他们的风格定位飘忽,任何曲风在他们专辑的曲目中都有体现,这张专辑也是我觉得今年最好的一张摇滚专辑,并且居然出版了三个不同版本.
全面介绍Maroon的第一张专辑Songs About Jane珍 情歌:
专辑: Songs About Jane 珍 情歌
出品日期: 2002 (第一版) 2003 (第二版) 2004(特别版)
出品公司: Octone Record (BMG)
Produced By Matt Wallace
曲目: (2004特别版) 1 HARDER TO BREATHE 快要窒息
5 TANGLED 亂成一團
6 THE SUN 太陽
13 RAG DOLL 玩偶
15 THIS LOVE (ACOUSTIC) 烈愛 (現場版)
魔力紅這支新靈魂樂界(Neo-Soul)最頂尖的搖滾樂團於2003年平地一聲雷地在流行/搖滾樂壇掀起一股新旋風,獲得全美單曲榜第18名的勁曲「快要窒息Harder To Breathe」不但成為2003年下半年全球各地電台點播率最高的歌曲之一,專輯《珍‧情歌Songs About Jane》也獲得全美專輯榜第七名,在英國更雄踞專輯榜亞軍位置。從專輯中選出的第二首單曲「烈愛This Love」再接再厲勇奪美國告示牌Billboard雜誌點播榜冠軍、單曲榜第五名,這首歌曲的人氣延燒到大西洋彼岸,在英國得到單曲榜第三名。主唱/吉他手Adam Levine還因為在「烈愛This Love」的音樂錄影帶裡展露身材並與共同演出的名模女友大膽在鏡頭前纏綿的畫面,使得這位魔力紅的創作主腦一躍而成為全球女性公認最性感的偶像之一。不但如此,魔力紅也讓一堆好萊塢明星像是琥碧戈柏、克莉絲汀鄧斯特、娜塔莉波特曼等人公開表態支持,葛萊美獎得主約翰梅爾(John Mayer)更盛讚他們是現今歌壇上最棒的搖滾放克樂團。2004年魔力紅還受邀為票房冠軍大片《蜘蛛人2》演唱插曲"Woman",展現出似水柔情之餘,也讓人見識到他們擋都擋不住的超凡魅力。
這張專輯是已經在全球各地創下口碑與銷售雙重佳績的《珍‧情歌Songs About Jane》超值加量版,專輯中不但有原專輯裡的首首動聽歌曲,還附加了前未發表過的新曲「玩偶Rag Doll,以及「快要窒息Harder To Breathe」和「烈愛This Love」的不插電原音版。此外,紅到無遠弗屆的魔力紅更打破樂風疆界,讓嘻哈界天王級製作人肯伊威斯特(Kanye West)特別製作了嘻哈版本的「烈愛This Love」,嘻哈風的「烈愛This Love」同時也收錄在本張加量版專輯中,歌迷們可以體會一下以不同面貌繼續熾燒的魔力烈愛。
乐队官方网站: www.maroon5.comwww.octonerecords.com www.jrecords.com
Sometimes Plan B can put Plan A to shame. Singer/guitarist Adam Levine, guitarist Jesse Carmichael, bass player Mickey Madden and drummer Ryan Dusick would second that emotion, seeing as how their first shot at the big time got them some rave notices, but not much else. Now, their second shot, in the form of neo-soul rock outfit Maroon 5, thanks to 2 songs, arder To Breathe?and his Love?has the LA-based Maroon 5 looking like the Cinderella story for 2004.
Released as a single way back in the summer of 2002, seventeen months later arder To Breathe?hit #4 at top 40 radio. Over 500 live shows, including opening stints for John Mayer, Sheryl Crow, Train, and Counting Crows, and now a consistent headline act in its own right, has helped to underscore a list of reasons why Maroon 5 debut CD, Songs About Jane, had already sold more than 1,900,000 records and gotten the guys on the Tonight Show twice, The Today Show, Jimmy Kimmel Live, Last Call with Carson Daly and the Late Late Show with Craig Kilborn. The next single, his Love?was #1 at top 40, VH1 and MTV, simultaneously! It was also the first song ever to be certified as a platinum download.
But perhaps wee getting ahead of ourselves. What about Plan A?
Known as Kara Flowers, Levine, Carmichael and Madden were the toast of their West LA high school (Dusick, who known Levine since they were nine and seven, respectively, had already graduated). Here they were, 17 years old and making a CD with legendary producer Rob Cavallo (Green Day, Goo Goo Dolls, Michelle Branch). Life was grand.
This is where the good news ends. Following a disappointing run with their debut, The Fourth World, Kara Flowers were granted their release from the label. Plan A had gone awry, leaving the quartet to consider their future. e were like, kay, what do we do now??recalls Levine. o we ran away to college to figure it out.? Leaving Dusick and Madden behind to study at UCLA, Levine and Carmichael ran smack dab into Plan B in the dorms at the State University of New York.
he halls would be blasting Gospel music and people would be listening to stuff that we never actually listened to, like Biggie Smalls, Missy Elliot and Jay-Z. The Aaliyah record had come out around then, and we were just blown away. When I think of songwriting, I think of The Beatles, Dylan, Simon & Garfunkelhe stuff that I grew up onut then I was like, want to do this.? Stevie Wonder came into my life at that point,?Levine mentions, nd I just found a knack for doing it.
started singing differently,?he told VH1, nd Jesse started playing keyboards; that what changed it.? When the duo hooked back up with Madden and Dusick in LA they were summarily reinvigorated by adding an R&B, groove-based tint to their explosive rock & roll. With the new musical frame-of-mind came a new name?B>Maroon 5nd a fifth member: guitarist James Valentine. ames came along right as we were deciding on the name,?says Levine. e clearly weren Kara Flowers anymore, with the addition of James and an entirely new approach to music. Also, if you name a band when youe 15, by the time youe 23 youe probably not gonna like it very much.?
Fortified with a new attitude, a new sound and a new name, Maroon 5 quickly attracted attention from labels. Octone Records, a new independent label based in New York (Octone is a marketing co-venture partner of J Records / RCA Music Group), signed the group, and in 2001 Maroon 5 entered the studio with producer Matt Wallace (The Replacements, Faith No More, Blues Traveler). was all about making a hardcore, straight-up, funk R&B record,?Levine remembers. have to give the people at Octone credit because they were really trying to push us to do this. Matt Wallace also thought we had so much chemistry as a rock & roll band that it would be a shame to lose that element. We went back and recorded live drums over loops, and wound up making more of a rock record, which I think makes it stand out way better.?
The resulting album, Songs About Jane, was released in June 2002. Funky rhythms and classic soul melodies co-habiting with searing guitars and a powerful rock bottom end. On top of it all, Levine expressive voice belts out tale after tale of an ex-girlfriend. You can probably guess her name.
arder To Breathe,?a powerhouse guitar workout, is ironically not a song about Jane. here was a lot of pressure to write,?Levine offers. just want to make music when I feel like making music, and when I feel forced it kind of frustrating. Granted, I don have much to complain about, but I thought that I was done with the album. It turned out to be for the best because it pissed me off so much I wrote his Love?and arder To Breathe,?which are the first two songs on the record.?
Plan B? Who says you don get a second chance to make a first impression?
Angel In Blue Jeans
If You Only Knew
Not Falling Apart
Rag Doll
Simple Kind Of Lovely
在2002年,Maroon 5 推出他們的第一波暢銷單曲“Harder To Breathe”,立即受到全美的矚目以及廣大的歡迎,並在許多電台暢銷排行榜上,停留長達七個月之久,他們並巡迴演出了超過300場的現場表演,並且為許多一線的超級藝人作開場演出。包括約翰梅爾、雪瑞兒可洛、Train以及Counting Crow,這一切的墊基準備,都促使Maroon 5第一張專輯『Songs About Jane』的成功,至今累積銷售量已經超過60萬張,這個極受矚目的團體更是不斷接到來自各方的邀約,應邀參加了包括大衛˙賴特曼的脫口秀(Late Night With David Letterman)、以及科南˙歐布萊恩(Conan O’Brien)的現場節目以及吉米˙凱莫(Jimmy Kimmel Live)、卡爾森˙戴利(Last Call with Carson Daly)克瑞格˙凱爾柏(Late Late Show with Craig Kilborn)等全美超高收視率節目競相邀約。就因為Maroon 5的第一支暢銷單曲來勢洶洶、銳不可擋,已經蔚為一種話題以及風潮。而單曲“Harder To Breathe”,在現代搖滾榜、暢銷成人榜中的表現更是一支獨秀,而後又在全美Top40電台中也再度獲得最受歡迎點播歌曲榜的第四名。同時,這支單曲的音樂錄影帶,也在VH1的“Inside Track”獲得一週超過20次的播歌次數。其次數之頻繁,更令許多大牌團體也望塵莫及。
這張搖滾的專輯『Songs About Jane』,終於在2002年的六月發行。充滿了放克的節奏感、經典靈魂樂的旋律、爆發力十足的吉他伴奏、以及搖滾律動,各種元素皆配合的天衣無縫。除此之外,主唱兼吉他手亞當˙李維(Adam Levine)超級具有感情的歌聲,以及一個接一個的故事,訴說了他對前女友無盡的感情以及思念。而且大家應該也可以猜出來他前女友的名字吧!
「“Harder To Breathe”是一首極具有爆發力的吉他主奏單曲。“Harder To Breathe”並不是一首要歌詠Jane的情歌。」主唱兼吉他手亞當˙李維(Adam Levine)表示:「創作,其實真的是一個極具有壓力的挑戰與過程。我只是單純的想要在我想寫歌的時候,我就可以自由自在的創作音樂。但是當我如果感到必須要寫歌、或者是覺得有壓力的時候,我就會有非常強烈的挫折感。其實,我真的並不喜歡抱怨事情,我只是覺得這張專輯已經就是做完了!但是最後,呈現的結果竟是最好的一個作品!在這過程之中,我用很憤怒的心情寫下‘This Love’ 以及 ‘Harder To Breathe’這兩支單曲,而這兩首歌曲,也是我們專輯中最先發行的兩支單曲。」
2003年,一首充满张力的摇滚劲曲"Harder to Breathe"悄悄地进占了全球各地的电台,这首挟带着戏剧性内容和唱腔而让人一听就上瘾的歌曲,为来自洛杉矶的这支五人团体Maroon 5打开了进军世界的大门。 Maroon 5的成功决非一夕得来的侥幸,这两年来他们巡回全美在超过两百场的演唱会中表演,并为许多知名艺人暖场,这些现场演出让Maroon 5一点一滴地累积起人气,原本在2002年就已发行的"Harder To Breathe"因此开始口耳相传地慢慢走红,到了2003年夏天更成为歌迷的最爱之一,打入全美单曲榜第18名,而收录"Harder To Breathe"的专辑《Songs About Jane》也连带获得全美专辑榜第七名的佳绩。2004年由同一张专辑所选出的单曲"This Love"不但延续了"Harder To Breathe"的气势,还更上一层楼地获得全美单曲榜第五名,而Maroon 5在欧洲以及亚洲各国也都创下杰出的成绩,俨然已成为全球最受欢迎的团体之一。
Featuring live performances of three #1 singles from their multi-platinum, worldwide breakthrough album - "This Love", "She Will Be Loved", and "Harder to Breathe"...also featuring the never before released songs, "Wasted Years" & the Oasis cover, "Hello".
DVD Extras: ? Exclusive interview documentary with writer/director Mitch Glaser ? Behind-the-scenes and live performance photo montage. ? 5.1 stereo mix ? Directed by acclaimed DVD director Russell Thomas (Coldplay, Dido).
1. Shiver
2. Through with you
3. Tangled
4. Harder To Breathe
5. The Sun
6. Wasted Years
7. Secret
8. Not Coming Home
9. This Love
10. Must Get Out
11. Sunday Morning
12. Sweetest Goodbye
13. Hello
14. She Will Be Loved