John Lennon对陶喆在音乐和思想上的影响
很早就想写一些关于John Lennon和David的帖子,最近做完John65周年纪念的专题后,对John的音乐又有了更深的认识,发现其实两者在音乐和思想上有共同之处,事实正如David所说,音乐上和思想上影响他最多的就是The Beatles 和 John Lennon!下面我们就从John Lennon的音乐中去探求他们的共同之处吧!
陶喆最近在回应小报的不实报道时,曾经用了don't believe in me这样的话语,其实面对谎言时,John Lennon也曾经在"God"这首歌中提出过这样的疑问,对自己的信仰,对周围的一切都提出过怀疑,也是这首歌,使得很多人认为John Lennon根本不信仰一切,包括Jesus上帝!这是一首非常有力量的词,副歌部分连续的排比句式直接表明了John Lennon的态度,而且还隐藏了一些Metaphors,用了很多的隐喻的手法。
God Lyrics:
God is a Concept by which
we measure our pain 上帝只是我们感受痛苦的一个概念
I'll say it again 我再说一遍
God is a Concept by which
we measure our pain上帝只是我们感受痛苦的一个概念
I don't believe in magic 我不信奇迹
I don't believe in I-ching 我不信易经
I don't believe in Bible 我不信圣经 (信仰)
I don't believe in Tarot 我不信塔罗 (命运)
I don't believe in Hitler 我不信希特勒 (专制)
I don't believe in Jesus 我不信耶稣
I don't believe in Kennedy 我不信肯尼迪(前美国总统)
I don't believe in Buddha 我不信佛
I don't believe in Mantra 我不信邪
I don't believe in Gita 我不信神
I don't believe in Yoga 我不信瑜珈 (享受)
I don't believe in Kings 我不信国王(权威)
I don't believe in Elvis 我不信猫王(娱乐)
I don't believe in Zimmerman我不信Zimmerman
I don't believe in Beatles我不信披头四
I just believe in me我只信我自己
The dream is over 梦已经结束了
What can I say? 我还能说什么
the Dream is Over 梦已经完结了
Yesterday 昨天
I was the Dreamweaver 我是造梦者
But now I'm reborn 现在我得到了重生
I was the Walrus 原来我是别人
But now I'm John 但现在我是自己
and so dear friends 因此亲爱的朋友们
you'll just have to carry on 你们需要坚持
The Dream is over 因为梦想已经完结
陶喆的“太平盛世”专辑中有一首讲到母子之间情感纠葛的歌,叫做“Catherine”,而这首歌也说明David和妈妈之间的微妙的心态矛盾。其实John Lennonn也有一首讲述自己与家人关系的歌曲,叫做“Mother”,但是歌中他除了谈到了与母亲的关系,还谈到了与父亲,与自己小孩的关系。歌词却充满了洒脱和真挚的情感,一方面表现了之间的矛盾,另一方面又有放手Let Go的洒脱。说明有时Let Go也是爱的一种表现!
Mother Lyrics
Mother, You had Me I never had you 妈妈,你拥有过我但我却从未拥有过你
I wanted you but you didn't want me 我想要你但你却不要我
So I got to tell you 所以我要对你说
Goodbye , Goodbye 再见 再见
Father, You left me but I never left you 爸爸,你离开了我但我从未离开过你
I needed you but you didn't need me 我需要你但你不需要我
So I just got to tell you 所以我要对你说
Goodbye , Goodbye 再见 再见
Children, Don't do what I have done 孩子们,不要重蹈我的复辙
I couldn't walk so I tried to run 我不能走但我尝试着跑
So I got to tell you 所以我要对你说
Goodbye , Goodbye 再见 再见
[ 本帖最后由 J-will 于 2005-10-14 12:35 编辑 ]