2005年 9月21日 星期三 台北
2005年 9月21日 星期三 台北
當我們讀到照片下面的小標,我們就會立即認為它所表達的便是絕對的真相。我們以為只要有人寫,就代表那是真的,對吧?我們有沒有想過, 其實這些照片有可能是被動過手腳或是以偏頗的方式來呈現的呢?我們是否曾經懷疑質問過,恣意使用、誤用那些充滿主觀判斷、煽動力的文字其實是為了刺激我們的情緒?我們是否曾經質疑過,報導中的主角其實有不為人知的動機呢?也許整件事是被計畫、設計好的?我們是否真的了解,那些被我們在午餐時,拿來八卦、當作笑話談論的報導,其背後已經有人真的因此而受傷,甚至摧毀了他的整個生活?
9/21/05 Wednesday Taipei
In the 1930’s the Nazi Regime in Germany used propaganda and the media to influence and “brainwash” people to advance theirpolitical and military agendas. This “successful” use, or rather abuse, of information and the media created mass hysteria, fear, hatred and eventual genocide within the world and amongst it’s citizens.
The media today is becoming more and more like that of the media of that period.
The power of the written word on paper is something we frequently underestimate yet can certainly attest to. We have been conditioned into believing almost everything we read in the newspaper, watch on TV or hear from others. We have become a generation weaned on propaganda and gossip because it is sensational, exciting and provides the fodder for a juicy conversation over coffee at the local café franchise. We have lost the mental faculties to distinguish between what is true and not true. We are conditioned NOT to make decisions but to simply accept.
I am writing today not only in response to my recent coverage in the media but to again show my disgust and anger towards the media of today. I will NOT attempt to explain nor refute any details herein as I need NOT plead for my innocence.
When we see a photo with a caption underneath it we immediately assume what is being expressed is the absolute truth. We assume that as long as somebody wrote it then it must be true, right? Have we ever thought that the photos were modified or presented in a skewed manner? Do we ever doubt or question the free and misleading use of adjectives and powerful words are used to stir up our emotions? Do we ever question whether the subjects within a story have ulterior motives? Perhaps things were staged or set up? Do we ever realize that behind each story there are real people and lives being hurt and destroyed while we callously gossip and giggle over lunch?
I will not deny the importance of the media in your and my life. However, I expect and demand a free yet truthful and objective media environment. Perhaps that is a bygone era we will never see again. Thus, during this period perhaps you and I need to be our own “editors” when it comes new coverage and media information.
I hope the media will stop twisting, exaggerating, distorting or sensationalizing the facts to serve it’s purposes and agendas. Report the facts and DO NOT pass judgment on your subjects. Do NOT assume or imply. That is NOT your job.
Do NOT believe everything you read
Do NOT believe everything you see
Do NOT believe everything you hear
Do NOT believe everything you are told
Do NOT believe me.
Think and judge for yourself from what you know.
本帖最后由 chiu_pat 于 2005-9-21 22:34 编辑 ]